Curated OER
The Mandelbrot Set
Learners explore the Mandelbrot Set. They are introduced to the concept of a complex number and function in order to motivate the discussion of Julia and Mandelbrot sets. Students investigate fractals and how they are built.
Curated OER
A Pocketful of Change
Students study the meaning, symbolism, and value of U.S. coins,
especially the quarter. They conduct a survey of coins in students'
possession, graphing the results to show frequency distribution and drawing
inferences about the U.S....
Curated OER
Properties of Fractals
Students build a working definition of regular fractal, look carefully at the concepts of dimension and scale, and are introduced to logarithms. They solve simple exponential equations for the exponent both by trial and error and using...
Curated OER
Properties of Fractals
Students build a working definition of a regular fractal, they measure the concepts of dimensions and scale, they explore the concept of a logarithm and they attempt to solve simple exponential equations for the exponent both by trial...
Curated OER
Irregular Fractals
Students study and research irregular fractals and construct a few based on their research. Students practice pattern recognition skills and plane geometry skills calculating dimensions on the Fractured Pictures activity.
Curated OER
Practicing Arithmetic
High schoolers practice single operation arithmetic ranging from single digit addition to long division of decimals or real numbers using Graphit. They use data sets and rules to graph ordered pairs.
Curated OER
Irregular Fractals
High schoolers explore the concept of irregular fractals. In this irregular fractals lesson, students discuss how to find fractal dimensions through teacher led discussion. High schoolers calculate fractal dimensions of various fractals.
Curated OER
Circle the Earth - Explore Surface Types on a Journey around Earth
Students use CERES percent coverage surface data with a world map in locating landmasses and bodies of water at Earth's Equator.
Curated OER
Geometry and Symmetry
Students examine tessellations and their geometric properties. The lesson and discussions may be used to develop students' understanding of polygons and symmetry as well as their ability to analyze patterns.
Scholastic: Math Maven's Mysteries: The Secret of E. Quation the Great
Want to figure out a magician's secret for a cool balancing trick? Use your algebra knowledge to discover how this magic trick was done.
Nz Maths Problem Solving Lesson Plans: Level 2
NZMaths is a New Zealand teacher resource that provides lesson plans for students in algebra, geometry, measurement, numbers, statistics, logic and reasoning.
Nz Maths Problem Solving Lesson Plans: Level 5
Teachers, this New Zealand Problem Solving website is an outstanding resource for lesson plans. They are organized into the following categories: algebra, geometry, measurement, numbers, statistics, and logic and reasoning.
Nz Maths Problem Solving Lesson Plans: Level 6
Teachers, this New Zealand Problem Solving website is an outstanding resource for lesson plans. They are organized into the following categories: Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Numbers, Statistics, and Logic and Reasoning.
Nz Maths Problem Solving Lesson Plans: Level 1
NZMaths, a New Zealand teacher resource, provides lesson plans for students in algebra, geometry, measurement, numbers, statistics, logic and reasoning.
Scholastic: Math Maven's Mysteries: The Case of the Skating Bus Driver
The bus is not running in Point Logos because Suzie, the bus driver, has decided to go try out the new "Rocket Skates," at Skate Palace. Help the Math Maven choose an algebraic equation that will tell when the bus driver will be finished...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Heads and Feet
Solve this problem about hens and sheep and practice your algebraic thinking all at the same time. A solution is provided at this one page website.
Nz Maths: Problem Solving Lesson Plans: Level 3 Problems
This New Zealand Problems website is an excellent resource for lesson plans in problem-solving. They are organized into the following categories: algebra, geometry, measurement, numbers, statistics, and logic and reasoning.
Nz Maths Problem Solving Lesson Plans: Level 4
This New Zealand Problem Solving website is an outstanding resource for lesson plans. They are organized into the following categories: algebra, geometry, measurement, numbers, statistics, and logic and reasoning.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Solving Proportions
Practice solving basic proportions. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Proportions: Introduction
Explains the basics and terminology of proportions.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Suzanne Alejandre: Pirate Diamond Activity
An interesting small-group activity that will engage students in problem solving, reasoning, and communicating their mathematical thoughts with eachother. The materials needed for the project and the steps the teacher should assist the...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Brothers and Sisters
Figure out the ages of the children in this family using the clues and your sound algebraic thinking. Check the solution after you complete the problem.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Mind Reader
This series of operations always yields the same answer. Use your problem solving and algebraic skills and see if you can find the solution. When you have you can check the solution on this one page website.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Reading Dot Plots & Frequency Tables
Practice reading basic dot plots and frequency tables. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.