Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Black Footed Ferret
Find out more about the Black Footed Ferret through this educational resource. Students will have an opportunity to learn more about this mammal's habitat, characteristics, range and more.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Wood Stork
Learn more about the Wood Stork through this educational source. Students will discover more about this wading bird's characteristics, life cycle, behavior, diet and more.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Disappearing Frogs
Kerry M. Kriger describes why frogs are on the verge of extinction and how you can help save them. [3:48]
K 3 Learning pages.com: Owls
This online resource provides several links to elementary information on owls. You will find lesson plans, photographs, information, facts and more when you explore this resource.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Habitat Network: Bees Use Drugs? Evidence of Self Medication
There has been documented evidence that honey bees increase their foraging of antibiotic plant resins when under stress from fungal pathogens. Could more access to certain plants provide some solutions for decreasing bee populations?
Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders of Wildlife: Sea Turtle
A concise site that describes various sea turtles. A general description of the sea turtles life span, range, food, behavior and offspring is included.
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Giant Panda
This resource provides detailed information about giant pandas.
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Eurasian River Otter
Use this site to learn more about this playful member of the weasel family through this detailed fact sheet and these wonderful photos.
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Beluga, White Whale
Here are some interesting photos of and a detailed fact sheet on the Beluga whale.
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Bornean Orangutan
This site has a detailed fact sheet on the Bornean orangutan.
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Humboldt Penguin
Here is a fairly detailed fact sheet on the Humboldt penguin. It also includes a few photos.
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Humpback Whale
When we hear of whale song, we typically think of the Humpback whale. Read this detailed fact sheet to see what else you can learn about this famous whale.
Duke University
Duke University Lemur Center: Aye Aye
This site provides a general overview of the Aye-aye, complete with several photographs and recorded vocalizations.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Canadian Lynx
Explore this educational resource to learn about the Canadian Lynx. Students will increase their knowledge of this small cat through information ranging from characteristics to diet and beyond.
World Wildlife Fund for Nature
World Wildlife Foundation: Giant Panda
This resource provides a general overview of the Giant Panda.
World Wildlife Fund for Nature
World Wildlife Fund: Rhinoceros Introduction
This resource provides information about rhinoceroses.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Bald Eagle
This Smithsonian website has a brief but thorough article on the Bald Eagles. Content also includes pictures and an extensive quote from naturalist Edward Nelson as he discusses the role of eagles in Eskimo myth.
Bagheera: Malayan Sun Bear
This site takes a look at the physical characteristics, habitat, and natural history of the Malayan Sun Bear. Special attention is given to the causes of endangerment to this bear, as well as current conservation efforts. Additional...
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: Savannah Elephant
This resource provides information about Savannah elephants.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Black Footed Albatross
Come and check out this clear and concise resource featuring the Black-footed Albatross. Students will learn more about this aquatic bird's life, characteristics, habitat, range and more through this educational resource.
Planet Ark: World Environmental News
Welcome to Planet Ark's daily Reuters World Environment News - the most comprehensive source of environmental news on the Net. To read previous news stories, please use the search engine below to find stories relating to any...
Biodiversity Project
Formed in 1995, the "Biodiversity Project," was created to raise awareness and educate the public on the connection between biodiversity and everyday life. General biodiversity questions are answered in the "What is biodiversity?,"...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Tracking Grizzly Bears From Space
Using NASA satellites, scientists track the shifting, interrelated patterns of grizzlies and plants. David Laskin explains how this data can help protect the threatened bears. [4:15]
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