Special Olympics
SO…What’s the Challenge?
Whose responsibility is it to protect equal rights? Class members engage in a series of activities that create awareness of the prejudice and intolerance persons with disabilities face. They then create a message addressed to their...
Special Olympics
SO…What’s the Challenge?
What does it feel like to be the victim of intolerance? Class members engage in activities, watch a video, and reflect on their own experiences with intolerance or discrimination before creating a project designed to combat...
Special Olympics
Train at School
Here is a fantastic compilation of adaptive physical education lesson plans that cover the major concepts of physical fitness, including: aerobic endurance, balance, coordination, flexibility, power, speed and agility, and...
Special Olympics
Special Olympics Young Athletes Activity Guide
From bunny hops and bridges to bean bag tosses and big ball catches, your activity toolkit will be overflowing with great new ideas for adaptive physical education!