Wikipedia: Tutankhamun
Wikipedia, an open-source encyclopedia, offers a detailed overview of the life, death, and discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Wikipedia: Dolphin
Wikipedia, a free and open-source encyclopedia, provides a detailed overview of dolphins. Content includes a focus on dolphin taxonomy, the evolution of dolphins, dolphin anatomy, dolphin behavior, feeding, dolphin lore, and more.
Wikipedia: Currency
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on currency discusses the history and evolution of currency. It also discusses the code used to define currency, provides a list of currency names by country, and gives a listing of currency symbols.
Wikipedia: Sarbanes Oxley Act
This site from Wikipedia provides background and an informative list of the major provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Written in common language so it is easy to understand.
Wikipedia: John Skelton
This site is the Wikipedia encyclopedia entry for the British poet John Skelton (1460-1529 CE). The page has numerous in-text links to other pertinent information.
Wikipedia: Lao Zi
Wikipedia offers biographical information on Lao Zi, writer of the seminal Daoist work, the Dao De Jing. Includes a collection of quotes by Lao Zi.
Wikipedia: Epistemology
Wikipedia offers an in-depth, advanced look at the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge and truth--epistemology. It gives details about the differences between the Rationalists and the Empiricists on their views,...
Wikipedia: Iran Contra Affair
This article from Wikipedia gives a concise overview of the Iran-Contra affair. It discusses what the Iran-Contra affair was, along with the people, controversy, and outcomes associated with it.
Wikipedia: Pauli Exclusion Principle
Wikipedia offers several paragraphs of information on the Pauli exclusion principle that states that no two identical fermions may occupy the same quantum state.
Wikipedia: Imagism
This Wikipedia site offers a brief description of what imagism was and a listing of the three principles of imagist poetry.
Wikipedia: The Laws of Thermodynamics
A Wikipedia article summarizing each of the laws of thermodynamics. Links are provided throughout the article for additional information.
Wikipedia: Timeline of Mathematics
Wikipedia gives a timeline of all of the important mathematical accomplishments from 2400 BC to 2002. Most names and concepts are linked to further information specific to that person or idea.
Wikipedia: Henrik Ibsen
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia gives some wonderful insight into Henrik Ibsen's (1828-1906 CE) controversial playwriting style. It discusses four of his plays and the controversy surrounding these. The article also gives some...
Wikipedia: The Jungle
An encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on Upton Sinclair's landmark novel, "The Jungle," describing its importance and giving an outline of the plot.
Wikipedia: Fuel Cell
A detailed Wikipedia encyclopedia article on fuel cells explains what they are, the controversies in the use of hydrogen as a fuel, and practical problems. There is also a lengthy section on the five generally recognized types of fuel...
Wikipedia: Warsaw Pact
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia gives information on the Warsaw Pact, which the Eastern Bloc was formed under. Provides a concise history and role of the agreement. Links are also given for additional information.
Wikipedia: Wave
An in-depth encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on waves gives a definition for what a wave is. Other content in the article includes a list of examples and characteristics of waves, information about the difference between transverse...
Wikipedia: Deductive Reasoning
This free encyclopedia site from Wikipedia gives a definition and examples of deductive reasoning. It also has links to related terms and topics.
Wikipedia: William Beveridge
A biography on British economist William Beveridge is presented in this article from Wikipedia. The site discusses his accomplishments and work in the social services field, including his 1942 report "Social Insurance and Allied...
Wikipedia: Bovid
Some factual information on bovids can be found in this Wikipedia encyclopedia article. There is also a table that provides scientific classification information on bovids as well.
Wikipedia: Marcus Licinius Crassus
This Wikipedia site provides biographical information on Roman politician Marcus Licinius Crassus. Includes a timeline of his life and a list of fictional portrayals of him.
Wikipedia: Pliny the Elder
This Wikipedia site provides information on Pliny the Elder, author of Naturalis Historia. Includes much biographical information and hyperlinked terms.
Wikipedia: World War I
This site from the Encyclopedia Wikipedia provides an in-depth encyclopedia article on World War I, giving information about the origins of the war, the initial outbreak, new technology introduced during the war, the Russian Revolution,...
Wikipedia: Catullus
An encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on Roman poet Caius Valerius Catullus discusses the common themes of his poetry and how his erotic and irreverent poetry was different and controversial during its time.