Wikipedia: E. D. Blodgett
A few biographical sentences about E. D. Blodgett, a Canadian poet from Edmonton. A list of his published works is included. This Wikipedia page was a work in progress at the time of writing this.
Wikipedia: Associative Array
A Wikipedia description of the abstract data type known by several names, including map, dictionary, associative array, lookup table, and others.
Wikipedia: Recursion
A Wikipedia description of the use of recursion in computer programming, including several examples in different programming languages.
Wikipedia: Advanced Placement Computer Science
A Wikipedia description of the Advanced Placement Computer Science exam.
Wikipedia: Graphical User Interface (Gui)
A Wikipedia description of the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Wikipedia: Object Oriented Programming
A Wikipedia description of Object Oriented Programming.
Wikipedia: Inheritance (Computer Science)
A Wikipedia description of the Objected Oriented Programming concept of inheritance.
Wikipedia: Polymorphism in Object Oriented Programming
A Wikipedia description of the object oriented programming concept of polymorphism.
Wikipedia: Informix
A Wikipedia description of the rise, fall and rebirth of the Informix relational database product line.
Wikipedia: Sql Server
A Wikipedia description of the Microsoft SQL Server relational database product.
Wikipedia: Backus Naur Form
A Wikipedia description of the Backus-Naur Form for describing complex syntax rules in a programming language.
Wikipedia: Control Flow
A Wikipedia description of the flow of control concept that is important to the successful execution of any computer program.
Wikipedia: Jim Henson
Wikipedia provides biographical and career information about Jim Henson, who was best known for creating Kermit the Frog and The Muppets.
Wikipedia: Nicholas Hilliard
Free-content encyclopedia entry for Nicholas Hillard from Wikipedia.
Wikipedia: Kristi Yamaguchi
Wikipedia provides biographical information and career highlights for Kristi Yamaguchi.
Wikipedia: Windows Vista
Wikipedia provides information regarding the development and design of Windows Vista.
Wikipedia: Orthodontics
Wikipedia provides information on orthodontics, including the methods, conditions, diagnosis and treatment planning, and training.
Wikipedia: Minstrel Show
An in-depth look at minstrel shows is found in this encyclopedia article from Wikipedia. The site discusses the origins and rise in popularity during the Civil War, how the shows were structured in three different parts, typical stock...