Wikipedia: New Netherland
This article looks at the discovery and colonization of New Netherlands by the Dutch in 1609 and 1626 respectively.
Wikipedia: Discrimination
An encyclopedic definition of discrimination, an examination of the many different types, and a discussion of different theories.
Wikipedia: Cheka
An explanation of what the Cheka was and the activities they engaged in to quell opposition under Lenin's rule.
Wikipedia: Arctic Ocean
A wealth of facts is presented in this article on the Arctic Ocean. Content covered includes the area, natural resources, climate, terrain and much more.
Wikipedia: Jeremiah (Prophet)
Read the life story of the prophet Jeremiah in this encyclopedia article.
Wikipedia: Electrolyte
This encyclopedia article offers a general overview of electrolytes. Content differentiates the difference in meaning when used in the context of chemistry vs. the context of physiology.
Wikipedia: Susan B. Anthony
A detailed look at the life of Susan B. Anthony. Highlights her accomplishments as well as her involvement with the women's rights movement.
Wikipedia: Percy Bysshe Shelley
The personal life and writing career of Percy Bysshe Shelly is chronicled in this encyclopedia article. Content includes information on his childhood, his marriage to Mary Shelley, his writings, and his tragic death.
Wikipedia: Real Property
An in-depth encyclopedia article on real property is found here. It discusses what real property is, the ways it can be held, the definitions of estates in land, and the difference in estates being held jointly as joint tenants or as...
Wikipedia: Diamond
This encyclopedia article provides a detailed overview of the diamond. Content includes a focus on this gemstone's physical properties, the industry that surrounds it, and its history and symbolism.
Wikipedia: Conservation of Mass
This site from Wilkopedia defines the law of conservation of mass. Included are links to related topics and terms used in the definition.
Wikipedia: Particle Physics
An in-depth encyclopedia article on particle physics. Discusses what encompasses the study of particle physics, gives a history of particle physics, briefly describes the Standard Model of particle physics, discusses the dispute that...
Wikipedia: Geography of Nepal
Offers geographic facts about Nepal, including descriptions of terrain, land use, and natural hazards. Nepal contains eight of the world's ten highest peaks.
Wikipedia: Oracle
This article explains what an oracle is and discusses some of the prominent oracles in classical Greece, primarily the one at the temple of Apollo in Delphi. Links are also provided for additional information.
Wikipedia: Separation of Powers
Discusses what separation of powers is, what it looked like in the past, and how it is interpreted in countries around the world and in the United States.
Wikipedia: Price Fixing
An encyclopedia article on price fixing discusses what it is, gives examples of different methods of price fixing, example of price fixing in international settings, and information about the allegations that the U.S. record industry...