National Weather Service
National Weather Service: Jet Stream: The Atmosphere
Learn about the atmosphere, it's make-up, the layers, the hydrologic cycle and more. The National Weather Service presents this site, including learning lessons and review questions.
Noaa: The Ionosphere [Pdf]
SEC produced several articles to help teachers teach about space weather. This one covers the ionosphere. It covers the characteristics, variability, and scintillation of this layer of the atmosphere. PDF format.
Niwa: Layers of the Atmosphere
A website providing information about the layers of the atmosphere. Understand that the layers are broken down into the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere based on temperature. Each layer is described giving...
Moorland School: Earth Science Zone: The Earth's Atmosphere
Learn about the properties of the thin layer of gas that surrounds the Earth. Understand the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere as well as the different layers. Also explained are issues that affect the atmosphere like the...
Science4 Fun: Atmosphere
What is atmosphere? Find out about the layers of the atmosphere and learn how the atmosphere protects life on Earth and other fun facts.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Major Domains of the Earth Atmosphere
Learn about the atmosphere and its different layers.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Exosphere Facts
Learn facts about the exosphere, one of the five layers of the atmosphere.
BioEd Online
Bio Ed Online: Measuring and Protecting Skin
Learners learn about the vulnerability of skin to solar radiation, and ways to protect it. They compare their skin to that of an orange, and measure the approximate amount of skin that each has. The lesson and accompanying PowerPoint can...
Nasa: Weather
Though we live on the surface of the Earth, we actually live at the bottom of an ocean of air. Dynamic layers of air interact with the Earth's surface and the Sun's energy to produce the phenomenon of weather. The atmosphere is...
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: Earth Facts
Find lots of information about our planet Earth here. Covers basic facts, Earth's history, layers of the Earth, plate tectonics, composition of the atmosphere, Earth's magnetic field, and some facts about our moon.
Center for Educational Technologies
Nasa Classroom of the Future: Environment Module: Uv Menace
This site provides information and activities for classes to learn more about ozone depletion and UV radiation.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Earth Origin, Composition, and Structure
In this lesson, you will learn about how the Earth formed as well as the composition and structural layers of the Earth's interior.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Ionosphere Facts
Learn facts about the ionosphere. It is an extension of the thermosphere, one of the five layers of the atmosphere.
Scholastic: Science Labelling Game
In a series of five interactive science games, students first study labeled diagrams to learn the names of the Earth's layers, of a flower's parts, of a fish's anatomy, of the human respiratory system, and of layers of the atmosphere....
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: La Atmosfera Terreste
In this site learn about the atmosphere and the air, origin and layers of the atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena, clean and pullulated air and the importance of air and health. It contains many illustrations and 15 interactive activities.
eSchool Today
E School Today: Your Cool Tips on Ozone Depletion
Why is ozone important? Learn about the ozone layer in our atmosphere, how it is being depleted by human and natural events, the effects of a thinning ozone layer on humans and other living things, what is meant by the ozone hole, and...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Plix Series: Percent Composition
[Free Registration/Login Required] Manipulate graph data to see a representation of the percent composition of different compounds. Then answer a challenge question about the activity.
American Geosciences Institute
American Geosciences Institute: The Weather at High Altitudes
Learn about the air and weather that happens high up in the atmosphere.
Nasa: Using Radiosonde Data From a Weather Balloon Launch
This lesson plan allows learners to learn about the layers of the atmosphere and to learn how to graph real atmospheric data.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: Molecules and Light
An interactive simulation that teaches about molecules, photons, and absorption by exploring how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere. Through this simulation students can get a better understanding of the importance of the...
Breathing Earth
Breathing Earth layers data about rates of carbon dioxide emission along with birth and death rates onto a map of the world in a real-time simulation of one of the principal greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, CO2.
Center for Educational Technologies
Cotf: Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics provides geology with a comprehensive theory that explains how the Earth works.