Center of Science and Industry
Cosi Columbus: Cabbage Patch Chemistry [Pdf]
Make your own indicator by using red cabbage leaves and common household items. Includes full list of materials, procedures, and scientific explanation of how to determine if a substance is acidic, basic, or neutral based on the colors...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Cabbage Chemistry
This experiment is for all the kids out there who love boiled cabbage. Even if you don't like cabbage, perhaps you will like this amazing color-changing liquid you can make with cabbage. You'll learn which solutions around your house can...
Teach Engineering: Red Cabbage Chemistry
Students take advantage of the natural ability of red cabbage juice to perform as a pH indicator to test the pH of seven common household liquids. Then they evaluate the accuracy of the red cabbage indicator, by testing the pH of the...
Teach Engineering: Breathing Cells
Students use a simple pH indicator to measure how much CO2 is produced during respiration, at rest and after exercising. They begin by comparing some common household solutions in order to determine the color change of the indicator....
Chemistry Collective
Chem Collective: Determination of the P H Scale
This virtual lab activity where students perform the method of successive dilutions using HCl, NaOH, a pH meter, and universal indicator solution to help understand the logarithmic nature of the pH scale.
City University of New York
P H and Indicators: Interactive Investigation
The story of the dye industry is used to introduce pH and how it is measured and calculated.
The Science House: Invisible Ink
Guidelines for a simple lab demonstration using phenolphthalein, a chemical that changes color depending on whether it is in the presence of an acid or base.
Hunkins Experiments
Hunkin's Experiments: Color
Hunkin's Experiments is a group of simple cartoon illustrations of scientific principles. Some would work well in the classroom, but others have little value beyond entertaining students. All of the projects are easy to do. This one...
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Measuring P H Experiment
This is an activity that deals with acid rain. "This experiment will illustrate how to measure the approximate pH of chemicals in water using a pH indicator." It is easy to follow the comprehensive set of directions.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Make Your Own P H Paper
In this "kitchen chemistry" project about acid/base chemistry, you will measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution using a logarithmic scale called the pH scale. As you learn about the pH scale, you will have the chance to make your...
Simon Fraser University
Chem1 Virtual Textbook: The P H Scale
Acting as an overview from the General Chemistry Virtual Textbook, this site explores the pH scale and its characteristics including a chart mapping the various levels of the scale.
American Chemical Society
Middle School Chemistry: P H and Color Change
Students see a demonstration of a color change using universal pH indicator and then change the concentrations of an acid and a base using a universal indicator to test the pH of the resulting solutions. Through an animation, they see...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Investigating P H of Common Household Substances
Students investigate the pH level of household substances by testing a variety of common compounds. Substances are tested with pH strips and placed on the continuum of the pH scale range of 1 to 14. After testing a solution, the student...
Curated OER
Science Kids: Science Images: P H Indicator Paper
A photo of pH indicator paper, used to indicate the strength of various acids and bases.
Frostburg State University
General Chemistry Online: Water to Wine
The molecular basis of indicator color changes. Includes Chime structures for the acid and base forms of phenolphthalein, methyl orange, red cabbage indicator, and cyanidin diglucoside.
Simon Fraser University
Chem1 Virtual Textbook: Titration
Acting as an overview from the General Chemistry Virtual Textbook, this site focuses on titration in the relation between acids and bases. The information includes specific mention of titration curves.
Teach Engineering: Not So Neutral Views
Students are introduced to acids and bases, and the environmental problem of acid rain. They explore ways to use indicators to distinguish between acids and bases. Students also conduct a simple experiment to model and discuss the...
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Types of Chemical Reactions
This lesson focuses chemical reactions using acidic and alkaline solutions, the pH scale which measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, and how to use a pH meter. A link to an assessment is also provided.
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Measuring Soil P H
This site has an experiment to find out how to measure the pH of your soil. The soil pH is an important condition that can affect the health of plants and animals.
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Measuring the P H of Natural Water
How acidic is your water? "In this experiment, you will measure the pH of natural water located near your home or school."
Chemistry Collective
Chem Collective: Determining Reagent Concentrations
Using the Virtual Laboratory, design an experiment to quickly determine which of the two reagents, HCl or NaOH, is 10 times more concentrated than the other.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Magic Paper
This lesson serves as an introduction to neutralization reactions. Students will observe that the goldenrod copy paper acts as an indicator changing colors and also that an acid can neutralize a base.