Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Learn: My Kind of Cool
Listen to successful people who have struggled with belonging academically and with their school peers and how they conquered those challenges.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Reflect: Serendipity
Students will answer reflection questions based on previous videos about career journeys.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Reflect: The Truth About Your Brain
Learning and practicing help strengthen and change our brains. Watch a short video and complete reflection questions on how your brain continues to grow.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Learn: The Growth Mindset
This article showcases the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.
Sesame Street: Breathe, Think, Do
Frustration is a normal part of life, but it can overwhelm kids and bring up a lot of big feelings. You can help them to use the "Breathe, Think, Do" strategy to calm down, identify their feelings, and work to solve their problem.