Cool Math
Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Subtraction: Fact Families
Explains what fact families are for addition and subtraction and includes sample problems to try.
Lawrence Hall of Science
The Math Page: Skill in Arithmetic: The Meaning of Subtraction, and Mental Calculation
This website explains and defines basic subtraction. There are practice problems at the very end of this lesson.
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: Basic Addition and Subtraction
An extensive collection of teacher resources to help in teaching and reviewing the concepts of basic addition and subtraction. There are many worksheets, activities, PowerPoint presentations, smartboard activities, Word, Excel, and pdf...
Ab Cya: Math Match: Kids Practice Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Brush up on your math facts playing this matching game. Teachers, this game works well on a SMART Board, too.
Teachnology: Addition and Subtraction Teaching Theme
Addition and Subtraction Math Theme provides an excellent collection of free sample worksheets, teacher resources, lesson plans and interactive media to support addition and subtraction skills.
Knowledge Share
Super Kids: Addition and Subtraction Worksheet Creator
Create your own addition/subtraction math facts worksheets. Use them in the classroom for practice or timed drills, or at home! Choose from two levels of difficulty, and vertical or horizontal equation format. You input minimum and...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Llama Farm: Addition and Subtraction: Counting Forwards and Backwards
On this interactive site students learn to write 2-digit numbers, count forward and backward by tens and show subtraction facts.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Addition Strategies Fact Families
Smart Exchange is an online community that teachers can share resources. This SMART Notebook file is a great introduction to what fact families are and how 3 numbers can be related to one another. This fact house offers activities to...
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Word Questions: Elementary Subtraction
Simple word problems challenge your subtraction skills. If you get stuck, use the clues and the number line for help.
Utah State University
Teacher Link Printable Teacher Aids
A huge collection of worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and handwriting practice all on PDF files ready for you to download and print for your students.
Web Math Minutes
Students can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through this customizable learning resource. Choose the number and type of problem as well as the largest number used.
Elementary Math Worksheets
Print out different math practice sheets on the same topic as needed. A variety of practice sheets in the areas of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are available.
Saddleback College
Algebra2go: Subtraction Using an Abacus Problem Sets
This resource has three problem sets to practice subtraction using Abacus worksheet. Select a problem set, then select a question. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for each problem. When you have answered all of the questions,...
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Inverse Relationship of Addition and Subtraction
This site introduces addition and subtraction fact families and provides an opportunity for students to practice the skill.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Solving Subtraction Number Stories in Space
Students will be able to solve subtraction word problems using objects.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Hamburger Restaurant: Addition and Subtraction
On this interactive site students practice addition and subtraction skills. At the end of the lesson students will be able to solve addition problems using a formal written algorithm and use various strategies to solve unfamiliar problems.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Smoothing Out Subtraction
Second graders demonstrate comfort with addition, but show less ease with subtraction. Repeated practice with subtraction is necessary to build fluency.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Elem Math: Fact Families Numbers to 1000
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] The video shows how to determine the missing number sentence when adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers by using fact families.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Elem Math: Fact Families Numbers to 100
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] The video shows how to determine the missing number sentence by using fact families.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Elem Math: Fact Families Numbers to 1000
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] The video describes how to determine what number sentence is missing in the fact family.
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: Addition and Subtraction Resources
Here's an extensive selection of teacher resources to aide in teaching and reviewing addition and subtraction. You will find resources on the vocabulary used in word problems, column addition, checking addition and subtraction, games,...
Scholastic: Math Maven's Mysteries: The Case of the Hatcher Hotel Heist
Help Math Maven solve this mystery! Items are missing from several hotel rooms, but some addition and subtraction clues have been left behind. Use your skills to figure out where the thief will strike next!
Math Cats
Math Cat: Fact Family Card
Everything you need to know about fact families can be found here. Discover what fact families are and learn different strategies for using them. Links included to print your own fact family cards, create a fact family house, and play a...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Llama Farm: Addition and Subtraction
On this interactive site students learn to solve subtraction problems using a formal algorithm and to apply place value concepts.