Nasa: Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics
Includes exhaustive information and a wealth of activities pertaining to aerodynamics and the physics of flight.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: How Potato Cannons Work
A slideshow carbo-loaded with information on how the pneumatic potato cannon works. [3:00]
Libre Text
Libre Text: Wind Stress
The force exerted by the wind on the ocean surface gives rise to a vertical velocity gradient in the upper boundary layer of the ocean. Essentially, the wind adds momentum to the ocean surface which is then transported downward through...
U.s. Search and Rescue Task Force: Predicting Weather
Information on what weather is to begin with, then progresses to how scientists can predict the weather. Common ways to predict weather are also included such as use of a barometer and rain gauge.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Balloon on a Bottle
In this activity, learners brainstorm various ways that an uninflated balloon placed over a bottle's opening can be inflated without touching the balloon.
Science Bob Pflugfelder
Science Bob: Make Your Own Balloon Rocket!
This site contains a brief procedure for building (and launching) a balloon powered rocket. Introduces concepts of air pressure and propulsion.
Oklahoma Mesonet
University of Oklahoma: Overview of Meteorology
The University of Oklahoma explores numerous types of weather and atmospheric changes, as well as the reasons behind them. Content details the four seasons, common meteorological variables, the vertical structure of the atmosphere, how...
Pbs Teachers: Bottle Fountain Experiment
Demonstrate how heating expands air molecules by constructing a bottle fountain powered by air pressure.
See How It Flies: Airfoils and Airflow
One chapter from a larger site dedicated to explaining the physics of flight. Numerous diagrams show the flow of air around an airfoil.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Humidity, Evaporation, and Boiling
By the end of this section, you will be able to explain the relationship between vapor pressure of water and the capacity of air to hold water vapor, explain the relationship between relative humidity and partial pressure of water vapor...
Open Stax: Requirements for Human Life
Earth and its atmosphere have provided us with air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat, but these are not the only requirements for survival. Although you may rarely think about it, you also cannot live outside of a certain range...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12 Exploration Series: Simulations: Physics: Runaway Balloon
[Free Registration/Login Required] Ever lost a balloon that floated into the air? In this simulation learn how to combined gas law could help you understand the balloon's motion.
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey: Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
This two-part resource explores the vertical structure of Earth's atmosphere. Content details the atmospheric layers, and the relationship between pressure and height in the atmosphere.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: What a Gas!
In this lesson plan, students will understand and explain that air occupies space, visual effects of air and how air exerts force.
Wikipedia: Weather Front
This Wikipedia site tells all about weather fronts, or boundaries between two air masses with differing characteristics. Includes many hyperlinked terms to additional information on related subjects.
University of Minnesota
The Physics of Flight: Bernoulli's Principle
Discusses air flow around the wing of a plane and its effect upon the lift and drag forces. Focuses on the application of Bernoulli's principle to wing design and the subsequent airfoil shapes.
McREL International
Mc Rel: Heating a Gas [Pdf]
An assessment question on the expansion of air when it is heated.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Does an Atom Smashing Particle Accelerator Work?
An atom smasher, or particle accelerator, collides atomic nuclei together at extremely high energies, using engineering that exploits incredibly cold temperatures, very low air pressure, and hyperbolically fast speeds. Don Lincoln...
Teach Engineering: Harnessing Wind
This activity introduces the ways that engineers study and harness the wind. Students will learn about the different kinds of winds and how to measure wind direction. In addition, students will learn how air pressure creates winds and...
San Diego State University
San Diego State University: Examples of Writing Linear Equations
These examples show how to write linear equations from different types of information. There are even real-world examples dealing with air pressure, sea urchins, and measurement conversions.
Exploratorium: Global Climate Change: Atmosphere
Use this site to explore real scientific data relating to the atmosphere. With this information you can gather evidence, test theories, and come to conclusions. Click on the data examples to view a full scale version.
Science is Fun
Science Is Fun: The Collapsing Can
An experiment using an aluminum can and boiling water that demonstrates that the air around us has pressure, although we may not be aware of it.
Pbs Learning Media: Balloon Car
Make 4-wheeled, air-powered cars that jet across the floor. Experiment with the design process and thrust in this activity from Design Squad Nation.
Avatar Consultants, Inc: Definitions of Sound
Sound is defined and characterized as a wave consisting of oscillations in pressure of a medium. Includes graphics and links to further information.
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