St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Ay, Air Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of "ay" and "air" in words. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: ay, air" lesson.
Smithsonian Institution
National Air and Space Museum: Wright Brothers: The Invention of the Aerial Age
Beautiful, well-done site from the Smithsonian on the Wright Brothers: Who were they and what was the importance of the era they ushered in? Their roots are traced back to the Great Migration. Classroom activities and interactive...
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Ay, Air Lesson
In this beginning reading module, the instructor models how to pronounce words that incorporate "ay" or "air" in them. Students are prompted to interact with the video segments at various times. Students can choose to sound out words,...
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Catchin' Air: Air
This printable worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will identify words that have -air in them. An answer key and lesson extension are included.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Lessons 31 43 Review: "Oy, Oi" to "Ay, Air"
In this review unit module for emergent readers, the instructor reviews how to pronounce words that incorporate "oy", "oi", "ay", and "air" in them. Students are prompted to interact with the video segments at various times. Students can...
Scholastic: Fugitive Slave Harriet Jacobs: Coming Up for Air
Harriet Jacobs escaped from slavery and wrote a book about her life experience. Her autobiography was written in 1861 with the help of an abolitionist.
Pbs: Do You Speak American?
The home on the web for a television program about the nature of American English, which originally aired on PBS in January 2005. "Do You Speak American?" examines the differences in the ways American speak across age groups, ethnic...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: What Is Force?
You have probably heard the word "force" before in conversations. Here are a few examples: "the rocket had a lot of force at blast off" or "the force of the storm blew the roof off the building." What is force? Force is defined as a push...
Pbs Learning Media: Peg + Cat Collection
The Peg + Cat on-air series and online resources provide many opportunities for educators to introduce or reinforce early math concepts. In each 11-minute on-air episode of this animated, math-based series for 3-8 year olds, Peg and Cat...
K 3 Learning Earth Day Links
How can you celebrate Earth Day in your classroom? This collection features several downloadable Earth Day worksheets including word searches and coloring pages. Students and teachers can plan the perfect way to recognize the environment.
The Franklin Institute
Franklin Institute and Science Museum: First Flight
Experience the first flight, through words, pictures, and actual quotes from the Wright Brothers about their real life experiences prior to, during, and after the successful flight.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Design Your Own Bedroom
Many students dream of designing their ideal bedroom. In this exercise, students will be required to limit their designs by size (as a specific volume) and price (a specific amount). They must design the floor plan, including furniture...
Wnet: Thirteen: The Six Wives of Henry Viii
PBS series about Henry's six wives, which originally aired in 2003, tells each wife's story in her own words. Includes background information about each woman, why she was chosen to be queen, her role as queen, her struggles with her...
New Mexico State Symbols and Emblems
Which state has a balloon museum and a hot air balloon for an aircraft symbol? New Mexico, of course! Find out all about their state symbols and emblems here. Click on the word for more information and a picture.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Let's Calculate Flight!
Learners will use stop watches to help understand elapsed time when they fly paper airplanes through the air. Students will then move on to using clocks. Learners will work out elapsed time word problems using made up flight schedules.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Ray Bradbury
Explore the world of Ray Bradbury when you visit this educational resource. Each work is hyperlinked to study guide questions.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Patagonia, 1911
A map from 1911 showing the region of Patagonia at the southern tip of South America from Buenos Aires in Argentina to Cape Horn on Tierra del Fuego, and includes the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) as a British possession. The map...