Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Everyday Life in Ancient Greece (Fourth Century b.c.)
This article provides a glimpse into the everyday life of the ancient Athenians in the words of Xenophon, the Greek historian and pupil of Socrates.
Class Flow: Ancient Greeks
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart presents an introduction to ancient Greek life. There are activities to increase student understanding.
Natural History Magazine: With Hands or Swift Feet (Ancient Olympic Games)
Article adaptation from "A Brief History of the Olympic Games" (Blackwell Publishing, 2004) summarizes key aspects of the ancient Olympic competitions, ideals, and festivals.
Metis: Catalog of Ancient Greek Archaeological Sites
A very large collection of interactive photographs of archaelogical sites in Greece and Turkey. Users can pan around the sites, zoom in for closer looks, or click on hot spots to access views of individual elements of the scenes. Some...
University Press
University Press: Ancient Greece: Time Periods
Looks at periods in the history of Greece going back to 6000 BC. Covers Neolithic, Early Bronze, Minoan, Mycenaean, Dark Ages, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic. Each period links to a page of more detailed information.
Boise State University
Ancient Athens: A Virtual Field Trip
Explore ancient Athens and learn about its culture and democratic government. Visit the Agora, the Acropolis and Parthenon, the Pynx, a typical ancient Greek home, and look at Greek artifacts in museums. There are virtual tours of...
Explorable: Ancient Astronomy, Science and the Ancient Greeks
Discusses the influences of other cultures on ancient Greek astronomers, and the advances made by the Greeks. It highlights major astronomers and those who contributed important ideas from the 6th to the 2nd centuries BC, including...
Middlebury College
Middlebury College: Trade and Barter in Ancient Greece
Middlebury College provides an essay that uses ancient Greek mythology to explain how the Greeks viewed economic practices like trading and bartering.
Ancient Athens 3 D
This website is devoted to documenting the buildings and monuments of Athens from the Mycenaean Period to about 1800 AD. Choose an era and read about the history and structures of that time period. The last section is a complete list of...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History: Ancient Greece, 1000 b.c. 1 a.d.
An extensive site that includes an interactive timeline of Greek art. Clicking on hyperlinks take you to a detailed discussion of the individual works of art. Included are photographs of Greek architecture. A great resource for the study...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Ancient Philosophy
Ancient Greece has bestowed much to Western philosophy. This course will acquaint the student with some of the ancient Greek contributions to the Western philosophical and scientific tradition.
Hellenica World: Ancient Greek Medical Inventions
Learn about various medical devices invented and used by the ancient Greeks including "a portable waterclock used to measure the pulse of patients" and a "surgical instrument, known as 'the spoon of Diokles.'"
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: The Law in Ancient Greece
History for kids presents information on the law in ancient Greece, teaching about how the Greek court system evolved to protect citizens in Athens.
Curated OER
Macmillan/mc Graw Hill: The World: Vol. 1: The Ancient World: Lesson 2 Quiz
A short quiz on ancient Greece and its conflicts with Persia.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Thematic Essays: Architecture in Ancient Greece
Short thematic essay on the architecture of ancient Greece touches on a number of different aspects of Greek architecture, including the Greek architectural orders, the role of the architect, the quarrying of stone, and building practices.
Ducksters: History: Ancient Greece for Kids
Kids learn about the civilization of Ancient Greece on this site. The birth of democracy, philosophy, and science as well as Athens and Sparta.
Class Flow: Intro to Ancient Greeks
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using the maps and timelines in this resource, students will learn the basics about the Ancient Greeks.
Ducksters: Crossword Puzzle Print Out for Kids: Ancient Greece
Print out a crossword puzzle game about Ancient Greece on this website.
Ducksters: Crossword Puzzle Game for Kids: Ancient Greece
Solve this interactive crossword puzzle with your knowledge of Ancient Greece on this site.
Ducksters: Ancient Greece for Kids: Glossary and Terms
Kids learn about the glossary and terms of Ancient Greece on this site. Words such as acropolis, assembly, democracy, hoplite, and more.
Curated OER
Macmillan/mc Graw Hill: The World: Vol. 1: The Ancient World: Lesson 1 Quiz
A short quiz on ancient Greece.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greek Art: Architecture in Ancient Greece
This article discusses architecture in Ancient Greece.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: The Coins of the Demareteion Master
The Demareteion Master is the name given to the artist who created the dies for the Demareteion coin and some others in ancient Greece. He is the first known master engraver to have lifted the numismatic art form to the level of...
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: Greek and Hellenistic Civilization [Pdf]
This is a summary of chapter three of a textbook on world history. It looks at the contributions of the ancient Greeks to western civilization, the breadth of their civilization in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions, and their...