The College Board
College Board: Ap Central
This is the centralized site for information about all AP courses offered by College Board. It contains information for students and teachers about each of the AP courses (almost 40 in all), including a course description and relevant...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Art History: The Neolithic Revolution
Article discussing some of the significant changes and achievements that marked the beginning of the Neolithic era. Includes links to additional information and images.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ancient Egypt, an Introduction
Egyptian imagery, concepts, and perspectives are found everywhere; you will find them in architectural forms, on money, and in our day to day lives. This introduction will provide you with the primary filters to view and understand...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Egyptian Art
Ancient Egyptian art must be viewed from the standpoint of the ancient Egyptians to understand it. This article discusses the purpose of Ancient Egyptian art and includes pictures.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to the Ancient Near East
The history of the Ancient Near East is complex. However, once you understand the general geography of the area and its history, the art reveals itself as uniquely beautiful, intimate and fascinating in its complexity. Read this brief...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Persian Art, an Introduction
Read a short history of Persian art and culture and view pictures in this introductory article.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Rock Art in North Africa
Algeria hosts a rich rock art concentration. The most renowned of all these areas is the Tassili n'Ajjer described as "forests of stone". View pictures and read a brief history of rock art in Africa.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Paleolithic Art, an Introduction
Humans make art. We do this for many reasons and with whatever technologies are available to us. This essay describes some of the earliest forms of art made by humans.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Origins of Rock Art in Africa
Personal ornamentation and engraved designs are the earliest evidence of art in Africa and are inextricably tied up with the development of human cognition. View pictures and read about prehistoric art in Africa.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Terms and Issues in Native American Art
Stereotypes persist when discussing Native American arts and cultures, and sadly many people remain unaware of the complicated and fascinating histories of Native peoples and their art. Read examples of these stereotypes and what changes...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Fort Ancient Culture: Great Serpent Mound
The Great Serpent Mound in rural, southwestern Ohio is the largest serpent effigy in the world. Scholarly debate surrounds its use and exactly why it was built. But without a doubt, the mound is singular and significant in its ability to...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: About Geography and Chronological Periods in Native American Art
So how do you organize so many groups and of such diverse natures when studying Native American art? This article discusses how to organize Native American art by geography and chronology.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Velasco, the Valley of Mexico
"The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel" by Velasco represents an important period in the development of Mexico's national identity and an important chapter in the history of Mexican art. Velasco's landscapes became...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Apollo 11 Stones
The Apollo 11 Stones remain the oldest examples of figurative art from the African continent. Their discovery contributes to our conception of early humanity's creative attempts, before the invention of formal writing, to express their...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Running Horned Woman, Tassili N'ajjer
Who was the Running Horned Woman? For so long the search for meaning in rock art was considered impossible-only recently have scholars endeavored to move beyond the mere description of images and styles using a variety of...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Standard Scenes From the Life of Christ in Art
View pictures and a short description of artwork depicting various scenes from the life of Christ.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Jefferson's Presidency and the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
This Khan Academy resource provides notes for American History. "Jefferson's Presidency and the Turn of the Nineteenth Century" is explained on this resource.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Manifest Destiny
This Khan Academy resource provides notes for American History. "Manifest Destiny" is explained on this resource, along with the implications associated with expansion of the North American continent.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Us History: 1491 1607: Spanish Conquistadores and Colonial Empire
The Spanish gained an early foothold in the colonies, quickly becoming the most powerful European power in the New World.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Etruscans, an Introduction
Before the small village of Rome became "Rome" it was home to the Etruscan civilization. Their achievements set the stage not only for the development of ancient Roman art and culture but for the Italian Renaissance as well. This...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Temple of Amun Re and the Hypostyle Hall, Karnak
The massive temple complex of Karnak was the principal religious center of the god Amun-Re in Thebes during the New Kingdom. The complex remains one of the largest religious complexes in the world. This temple gives scholars a wealth of...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Tutankhamun's Tomb (Innermost Coffin and Death Mask)
Tutankhamun's nearly intact tomb held a wealth of objects that give us unique insights into this period of ancient Egyptian history. Read about the discovery of his tomb and view pictures of the contents in this article.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Temple of Minerva and the Sculpture of Apollo (Veii)
Etruscan temple design had a huge impact on Renaissance architecture and one can see echoes of Etruscan columns in many buildings of the Renaissance and later in Italy. View pictures and read the history behind these temples in this...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Palette of King Narmer
The Narmer Palette is such a valuable artifact that it has never been permitted to leave Egypt. Read this history of the palette to understand why it is so protected and view pictures in this article.
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