Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Us History: 1890 1945: Fdr and the Great Depression
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president in 1932. He immediately embarked on an ambitious plan to get the country out of the Great Depression.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Seven Years' War French and Indian War Summary
A summary of the key events, people, and concepts related to the Seven Years' War/The French and Indian War.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Slavery in the British Colonies
A self-assessment of Slavery in the British Colonies using primary sources.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Slavery in the British Colonies
Every English colony practiced slavery, building an empire-wide system of white racial dominance and African oppression.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: The Rise of Islam: C. 600 1453 a.d.
Unit on the Rise of Islam created by AP History teacher, Tom Richey, engages us in the hisotry of Islam and includes E-lecture, videos, lesson guide and primary source material.