Quia: Contractions (Word Search Game)
An interactive game in which students must "find" the contractions embedded in a word search. Contractions may be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards or backwards.
Class Flow: Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will understand the use of the apostrophe in creating contractions (couldn't, we'll, I'd).
English Club
English Club: Abbreviations Quiz
An interactive abbreviations assessment is found on this page. Acronym, initialism, and contraction concepts are included on this assessment.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 2nd Grade Lesson Plans for Forming Possessives
This article focuses on teaching 2nd graders to form possessive. It provides two complete lesson plans with activities for teaching them how to form possessives.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Grammar: Punctuation
This instructional activity focuses on the roles of all of the punctuation marks; it provides a video, small practices in various sections, and a punctuation self-check.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Possesives Examples
Resource provides an explanation and examples of possessive nouns.