Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Apostrophe Use Exercise 1
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on the use of Apostrophes.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apostrophes: Tutorial
In this slideshow tutorial, the punctuation topic of "the apostrophe" is reviewed. Each slide provides a different purpose for using an apostrophe.
Project l.a.: Possessive Nouns
Designed for elementary students, this Internet viewable slide show explains how to form possessives, then provides practice sentences. At the end are links to an online practice quiz and a printable worksheet.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Apostrophes
This resource looks at the three main uses of apostrophes: to take the place of deleted letters; to show possession; and to show plurals of letters, numbers, symbols, abbreviations and words used as words.
Illinois State U.: Punctuation Made Simple Apostrophes
What is an apostrophe and how is it used properly in punctuation? "Punctuation Made Simple," gives some concrete examples for apostrophe use.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Using the Possessive Case With Gerunds
This site gives a very clear explanation of a gerund and its noun qualities. This resource explains how to use the possessive case with a gerund. A quiz is provided to check understanding of this concept.
World Wide Words: Possessive Apostrophes
This site discusses the misuse of the apostrophe, such as using an apostrophe in a word which is a simple plural, now known as "greengrocer's apostrophe", the contraction it/it's, who's/whose, etc. A trend toward dropping the possessive...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Possessives
This lesson focuses on recognizing and demonstrating the standard use of apostrophes when using both singular and plural. It also provides a practice exercise.
Pbs Learning Media: Forming and Using Possessive Nouns
Possessives show when a noun belongs to someone. It is often indicated with an apostrophe "s", but when words end in "s" only an apostrophe is added.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to the Possessive
Learn to use apostrophes to indicate possession, or ownership -- and when not to use them.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Meet the Apostrophe
Apostrophes have many important uses in the English language, and this exercise will give you an introduction to those uses!
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Punctuation: Comma and Apostrophe: Introduction to the Possessive
Five self-correcting quiz questions over possessive pronouns.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Apostrophes and Plurals
Apostrophes are generally not used to form English plurals, but there are a few exceptions.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: When to Use Apostrophes
It's possessive. It's often followed by S's. And it's sometimes tricky when it comes to its usage. It's the apostrophe. Laura McClure gives a refresher on when to use apostrophes in writing. [3:14]
Grammarly Blog: Possessive Case of Nouns: Rules and Examples
This page expains the rules for forming possessive nouns and provides examples.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Apostrophe Use Exercise 2
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on the use of Apostrophes.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Apostrophe Use Quick Guide
A short guide on how to use apostrophes correctly.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 2nd Grade Lesson Plans for Forming Possessives
This article focuses on teaching 2nd graders to form possessive. It provides two complete lesson plans with activities for teaching them how to form possessives.
Grammarly Blog: Possessive Nouns
An explanation with examples of possessive nouns and their use of apostrophe.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Possessive Pronoun and Apostrophe
This Purdue Online Writing Lab article explains the three uses of the apostrophe.
English Plus+
Plural Possessives
This site discusses the correct and incorrect usage of apostrophes to show possession with plural nouns.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Exercise Plurals & Possessives
This site offers exercises in the sometimes confusing use of plurals of possessives. In each space write "C" if correct, or "I" if incorrect. Then click on "Submit Application" for the answers.
Towson University
Towson University: Online Writing Support: Self Teaching Units: Apostrophes
This module explains how to use apostrophes to form possessive nouns and pronouns, provides links to exercises for each new idea, and a link to a post lesson quiz.