Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Search the Perimeter and Secure the Area
This lesson will not only help students compare and contrast the concepts of area and perimeter, but it will also move toward the concept that area is maximized while minimizing perimeter with a square.
George Mason University
Area Formula Lab
In this set of worksheet activities, students will be guided to discover formulas for area of polygonal shapes and circles.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: Math Challenges for Families
Students, teachers, and parents alike will enjoy this challenging math site. It contains a clever brain teaser section plus creative problems related to algebra, geometry, measurement, numbers, statistics, and probability. A Spanish...
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: El Teorema De Pitagoras
In this unit you can gain some knowledge about the Pythagorean Theorem. You can learn about the famous mathematician, familiarize with the theorem and then use your knowledge to find the area of plane figures.
Pbs Mathline: Bubble Mania Lesson Plan [Pdf]
Determine the area, diameter, and circumerfence of a bubble residue by creating a soap solution and blowing bubbles.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Triangle Explorer
This applet allows users to study the nature of triangles and their area. It draws random triangles on a Cartesian coordinate system. The user can determine the area of the triangle using his or her preferred method. After the calculated...
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: What Is Circle?
Discusses the radius, diameter, circumference, and area of a circle.
Mangahigh: Pyramid Panic: Basic Shapes to Advanced Geometry
Guide a mummy safely through the burial chambers of a pyramid as you solve length and area problems in basic to advanced geometry. There are four game zones that deal with circles and triangles, quadrilaterals, the Pythagorean Theorem,...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Thinking Outside the "Box"
The students will find the area of each two dimensional figure on a net of a rectangular prism. In groups, students will cut out the net and create a rectangular prism. Groups will then discuss how to find the lateral area and the total...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Swimming Pool Math
Students will use a swimming pool example to practice finding perimeter and area of different rectangles.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Density Word Problems
Solve problems concerning real-world situations using your knowledge of volume, surface area, and density.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Shape Explorer: Area and Perimeter
An applet activity that provides an exercise in working with perimeter and area of 2D objects. The user is given a random figure and allowed to enter a value for the area and perimeter. Use the "How" and the "Why" button to assist you....
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Circling Around
Middle schoolers will calculate the diameter, circumference, and ratio of a real world object. Students will create an electronic slideshow to illustrate the process of determining the diameter, circumference, and ratio of these objects.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Suzanne Alejandre: Factor Lesson
Students will discover factoring through the area of a rectangle.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: What Is a Polygon?
Defines polygons and explores characteristics, types of polygons, and how to calculate the area of a polygon.
University of Texas at Austin
Mathematics Teks Toolkit: Pipe Cleaners
Pipe cleaners are used to create the perimeter of a rectangle in order to explore base and height.