
Biddington's: Abstract Expressionism

For Students 9th - 10th
Contains a definition of Abstract Expressionism, some of the artists involved in the movement, and what they were trying to achieve.
National Gallery of Art

National Gallery of Art: Wassily Kandinsky, "Improvisation 31"

For Students 3rd - 5th
This site analyzes Kandinsky's abstract painting "Improvisation 31." Discusses colors, shapes, line, and mood. Has a short matching exercise involving simple geometric shapes.
Museum of Modern Art

Mo Ma: Abstract Expressionist New York

For Students 9th - 10th
Blockbuster exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art underscores the relationship between New York City and the explosion of creative activity among the artists who lived there in the postwar period. Learn why New York became the center of...
National Gallery of Art

National Gallery of Art: Jackson Pollock

For Students 9th - 10th
An exhibition that examines the many influences that Jackson Pollock absorbed before breaking with past traditions to create a new kind of abstraction. Beginning with Thomas Hart Benton, who was Pollock's first teacher, Pollock learned...
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Charmion Von Wiegand

For Students 9th - 10th
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Charmion Von Wiegand is described here along with information on her contributions to art through abstract art.
Cool Fire Technology

Brain Bank: Art Movements and Periods

For Students 9th - 10th
This website alphabetizes and briefly describes all the major movements in the history of visual arts. Good for use as a general reference for Art History studies and the study of historically based painting and art.

Bbc: Simon Schama's Power of Art: Rothko

For Students 9th - 10th
From the BBC's documentary series on art "Simon Schama's Power of Art", this is the web-page synopsis version of the program on the American abstract-expressionist painter, Mark Rothko.

Pbs News Hour: Rothko's Legacy

For Students 9th - 10th
Transcript of NewsHour's Paul Solman interviewing the art historian and Rothko biographer, Dore Ashton. Provides insight into the life and work of abstract expressionist Mark Rothko. Interview dated August 5, 1998.
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Adolph Gottlieb

For Students 9th - 10th
The Luce Foundation Center for American Art presents a biographical, multi-media take on the abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gottlieb. The New York native Gottlieb was a central figure in the development of American abstract art.
Lesson Plan

Abc: Abstraction

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Alma Woodsey Thomas is the focus of this lesson plan that introduces students to abstract art. Students will come to understand how the art elements can be used to express emotion and communicate ideas without including objects in the...
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Theresa Bernstein

For Students 9th - 10th
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Theresa Bernstein is described here along with information on her contributions to art through her work with Abstract Expressionism.
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Theodoros Stamos

For Students 9th - 10th
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Theodoros Stamos is described here along with information on his contributions to art through his work with Abstract Expressionism.
Lesson Plan
Kinder Art

Kinderart: Dripping Paint Action Painting

For Teachers K - 1st
Students will look at the work of Jackson Pollock as they learn about Abstract Expressionism and Action Painting. They have the opportunity to make their own dripping paint "action" painting.

Broken Toyland: The Art of Valery Milovic

For Students 9th - 10th
Personal site of contemporary artist/illustrator Valery Milovic that also contains poetry, musings, and stories. Creative, intergrated site, developed around Milovic's thematic "Broken Toyland" universe.
Lesson Plan
California State University

Expressionist Art Lesson

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Great lesson plan for upper elementary students who think that all art has to look "real." Through the images of Edvard Munch's work, students come to understand the role emotion can play in creating visually compelling work.
Unknown Type
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: New York School (Quiz)

For Students 9th - 10th
How much do you know about New York School abstract expressionism? Find out by answering this three-question multiple-choice quiz. Check each answer before moving to the next question. Hints are available for each question.
NPR: National Public Radio

Npr: King Gimp Revisited

For Students 9th - 10th
Site from NPR includes an interview, video clips and links about expressionist artist, Dan Keplinger. This artist has overcome his disability to create fine art that expresses himself.
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Lee Krasner

For Students 9th - 10th
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Lee Krasner is described here along with information on her contributions to art through her work with Abstract Expressionism. Krasner was also married to artist Jackson Pollock.
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Reuben Nakian

For Students 9th - 10th
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Paul Wayland Bartlett is described here along with information on his contributions to art through sculpture (with influences of Abstract Expressionism).
New York Times

New York Times: The One and Only Jackson Pollock

For Students 9th - 10th
An informative slideshow about the life, work, and significance of Jackson Pollock narrated by art critic Michael Kimmelman of the "New York Times." Great insight coupled with great images.

Ducksters: History: Abstract Art for Kids

For Students 1st - 9th
Kids learn about the Abstract Art movement and its major artist such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko.

Pbs: Sister Wendy's American Collection: City Landscape by Joan Mitchell

For Students 9th - 10th
Webpage describing City Landscape, a painting by Joan Mitchell from the Art Institute of Chicago. Image of art provided as well as an option of a larger version or a detail viewer that can be navigated. Also includes a quote about the...

Wikipedia: Pop Art

For Students 9th - 10th
Wikipedia offers information on this art genre and the artists of the pop art artistic movement. Includes hyperlinks to the different artists.
Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Hyman Bloom

For Students 9th - 10th
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Hyman Bloom is described here along with information on his contributions to art through his work with paintings and drawings in the tradition of expressionism.