Art Cyclopedia
Artcyclopedia: Artists by Movement: Impressionism
Artcyclopedia provides a brief overview of the movement, and includes resources for finding Impressionist artists' paintings in famous art museums.
The National Gallery (UK)
The National Gallery: Manet
Manet is one of the six artists featured at the National Gallery's Impressionist collection. In addition to a brief biography, a thumbnail presentation of 16 works by Manet is provided along with comments on each work.
Art Quizz: Monet (3)
A quiz on the life of Monet. This is a great tool for assessment or review and an even greater way in incorporate technology in the artroom. This site is translated from the original French version. Proof the answers before using for the...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: "La Grande Jatte" by Georges Seurat
A short essay on Seurat's famous "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte." This essay discusses whether this painting is a statement in anti-impressionism or, in fact, a natural progression of the movement's ideas. Interesting...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Expressionism
This article describes the Expressionist movement. It compares and contrasts expressionism and impressionism. The article includes links to information on some of the artists of this era. Also check out the "timeline" link.
The Wharton Group
Discover France: Pierre Auguste Renoir
A brief biography of Pierre Auguste Renoir. Includes samples of his work and many links to related sites.
The Wharton Group
Discover France: Vincent Van Gogh
This biography of van Gogh expresses his life as one who was important in the formation of Fauvism and expressionism.
The Wharton Group
Discover France: Henri De Toulouse Lautrec
This website from features Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, the famous postimpressionist painter.
Pbs: Sister Wendy's American Collection: Maison Maria by Paul Cezanne
Webpage describing the painting Maison Maria with a View of Chateau Noir by Paul Cezanne from the Kimbell Art Museum. Image of art provided as well as an option of a larger version or a detail viewer that can be navigated. Also includes...
Kinder Art
Kinder Art: Van Gogh's Sunflowers
This lesson plan from KinderArt will show students how to use pastels to create a variety of lines and textural effects after the manner of Vincent van Gogh. Students will learn that colors can be subjective as well as objective.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh
Discover why the scientists at NASA awarded Van Gogh's famous painting of the night sky, "The Starry Night," a spot on its astronomy-picture-of-the-day site.
Art Cyclopedia
Artcyclopedia: Henri Rousseau
Artcyclopedia provides direct links to Rousseau's works in museums around the world. Online exhibitions and reviews.
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Sisley, Alfred
Overview of impressionist French painter, Alfred Sisley. Links to fellow impressionist, Edouard Manet, Pissarro, Renoir, Monet, and Bazille. A gallery of his work is included with selected insights. Great links are provided to...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Vincent Van Gogh, Self Portraits
Displays a representative collection of self-portraits by van Gogh for the purposes of comparing and contrasting. Includes a short note on van Gogh's unique and intense style. Excellent site for exploring the changes in van Gogh's...
Drawing Society of Canada
A broad discussion of Canadian art over the past 100 years. Describes the different artistic movements, styles, and eras and the artists associated with each. Includes the complete list of members and honourary members of the Drawing...
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Eugene Louis Boudin
This online gallery has nice selection of the works of Eugene-Louis Boudin (1824-1898 CE). Also contains a short biography of the artist.
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Edouard Manet
This site has a gallery of the works of Edouard Manet (1832-1883 CE). Contains a short biography of the artist.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Monet, the Gare Saint Lazare
In "The Gare Saint-Lazare, the Auteuil Line" Monet shows his keen interest in light, color, and paint handling. This painting has been singled out as among the most impressive paintings of Impressionism. View this picture and read about...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Henri Rousseau
Biography and general information concerning the artist and his works. Picture gallery online.
Art Institute of Chicago
Quick Facts: Gustave Caillebotte
"Paris Street; Rainy Day," Caillebotte's masterpiece shown here, is accompanied by a paragraph of explanatory text.
Art Cyclopedia
Artcyclopedia: Edgar Degas
Artcyclopedia maintains an impressive list of links to museum sites and archives where images of Degas's work can be viewed. The museum sites, especially, often include curatorial commentaries about exhibited works to aid understanding...
Art Institute of Chicago
Modern Collection: Vincent Van Gogh Self Portrait, 1887
Click to enlarge Van Gogh's self-portrait from 1886-87, and read the paragraph of text explaining his methods.
Olga, Helen, Yuri and Sergey Mataev
Olga's Gallery: Vincent Van Gogh
Olga's Gallery of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890 CE). There are 122 images with a biography of the artists.