Art Lex: Harmony
This site from Artlex provides a brief but effective definition of the Principle of Design known as Harmony. There are links to other terms within the definition as well as quotations by Cezanne, Seurat and Ingres.
Art Lex: Unity
This site from Artlex provides a brief but effective definition of the Principle of Design known as Unity. There are links to other terms within the definition.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Albright Knox Art Gallery: Natural Materials
Students will learn that artists like David Nash use natural materials such as wood to create works of art that incorporate principles of design such as balance, repetition, rhythm, and unity. They will collect their own natural...
Design and Colour
A site by watercolor artist John Lovett. He describes the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and gives tips and techniques for watercolor painting and for composition.
Art Lex: Emphasis
A complete description of the term, "emphasis," with links to show how emphasis relates to art. Includes examples of work by Klimt, Demuth, and Minor.
Art Lex: V Page
A brief but effective definition of the Principle of Design known as Variety. There are links to other terms within the definition as well as quotations useful to the topic.
Kinder Art
Kinder Art: Monet's Garden by the Sea
A great lesson plan using oil pastels where the student looks at Monet's "Garden at Saint-Adresse," and then creates their own composition focusing on foreground, middleground and background.
The Alphabet of Art: The Attributes
An informative site explaining the attributes of art as well as other art terms.
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: How to Appreciate a Painting
Christine A. Elmore's curriculum unit designed "to facilitate her third-graders' enjoyment of and response to fine art." This unit can be applied to all age groups and provides an extensive background on art in general.
Ideas About Judging Art
This site is a personal reflection on judging art from both a layperson and professional point of view.
Art Lex: Composition
This online dictionary of art terms from Artlex is a valuable tool. The composition page explains how the term is used in the world of art. There are related links and works of art to explore.
Art Lex: Constructing Sculpture
A great lesson plan idea! This site from Artlex walks you through a lesson plan on Constructing (Assemblage) sculpture. It is based upon the work of Deborah Butterfield and there are great images of some of her sculptures of horses....
Art in Canada: Art Talk: Composition Glossary
A definition of composition with other terms and how they relate to composition. This site shows an example and also explains the terms provided.
Aldokkan: Ancient Egyptian Temple Design
A side-by-side comparison of the design principles embodied in ancient Egyptian versus ancient Greek temples, with additional facts and illustrations about the function and evolution of temples in ancient Egypt. Includes short...
The Second Principle: Brain Based Education: An Overview
This resource provides historical information, core principles, implications and suggestions, 12 design principles, and suggestions to utilize both music and art.
Arizona State University
Arts Work: Communicating Feelings Through Shape & Color
A lesson plan to help learners understand the use of symbols and images to express their feelings through their artwork. A great lesson plan to boost students' self esteem. Has a link to a site with examples of Kandinsky's work.
Arizona State University
Arts Work: Communicating Feelings Through Shape & Color
A lesson plan to help students understand the use of symbols and images to express their feelings through their artwork. A great lesson plan to boost students' self esteem. Has a link to a site with examples of Kandinsky's work.
Pbs Learning Media: Math + Arts: Abstract Sculpture & Cubes
In this lesson, students will form cubes and discuss their attributes including edges, faces, vertices, and angles. Media resources and teacher materials are included.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Painting in the Style of a Famous Artist
In this instructional activity, student groups will research and create PowerPoint presentations of famous painters. Individually, each student will select an artist and create an original work emulating the style and techniques of that...
Teach Engineering: Mobile Forces
The application of engineering principles is explored in the creation of mobiles. As students create their own mobiles, they take into consideration the forces of gravity and convection air currents. They learn how an understanding of...
National Gallery of Art
National Gallery of Art: Wallovers
A wallpaper-designing program that turns your freehand drawing into repetitive patterns. A good introduction to repetition as a design principle and to grid systems.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Part C: Fibonacci Numbers
Look at an interesting application of ratios that demonstrates the amazing patterns that emerge when we examine mathematics. The Fibonacci numbers are found in art, music, and nature.
University of Manchester
Children's University of Manchester: Talking Textiles: Pattern and Textiles
Interactive explanation of a key design principle-pattern-with a built-in design-your-own pattern application for displaying designs on clothing or furniture.
George Eastman Museum
George Eastman House: Shapes and Shelters Discovery Kits
Find a classroom-ready annotated slideshow and lesson plans designed to introduce students to fundamental architectural concepts and to improve their skills in recognizing the structural components of architecture. Slideshow uses...