Ed. Paperback Assoc.: Top 100 Authors Beverly Cleary
Read what Beverly Cleary has to say about her life, and what the Educational Paperback Association has to say as well. There is also a list of some of her work.
Ducksters: Kids Books Authors: Beverly Cleary
Kids learn about Beverly Cleary's biography on this website. Students can explore information about the author of children's books such as Henry Huggins.
Trelease on Reading/beverly Cleary
The author of the Ramona series, Beverly Cleary, receives an appreciative biographical note by Jim Trelease.
The Book Report
Kids reads.com: Authors
Click on the children's author link to view an article with biographical information, book titles, and the like.
Author Profiler: Gary Paulsen
This biography of author Gary Paulsen gives a lot of unique, hard-to-find information about his career and life. You can also find a photograph of this author within this resource.