Timeless Hemingway
Lots of information on Ernest Hemingway's life and works can be found on this site, including biographical details, pictures, quotes, and a Hemingway FAQ.
Hemingway: Sharks and "Old Man and the Sea"
Read the excerpt from the text that details Santiago's encounter with sharks. No additional information is given. Part of a larger site about sharks in literature.
Pbs Teachers: Newspaper Reporting and Writing
In this lesson, learners explore the many characteristics of a newspaper and try their hands at becoming reporters. They can expand their knowledge about Ernest Hemingway, and author a newspaper focusing on his life, especially his...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Sentence Length and Style
Notes introducing how author's vary the length of sentences in order to express their voice and style. Examples from three literary texts are provided, "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Hills Like White Elephants" by...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Goya, and There's Nothing to Be Done (From the Disasters of War)
Francisco Goya created the aquatint series The Disasters of War from 1810 to 1820 using the techniques of etching and drypoint. The images remain shocking today, and even influenced the novel of famous American author Ernest Hemingway,...
Open Stax: The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation 1919 1929: A New Generation
Looks at the new morality that emerged in the 1920s. It changed the role of women and the perception of African Americans, the latter facilitated by the Harlem Renaissance and its impact on the music and dance of the Jazz Age. Also...
Pbs Learning Media: Virtual Professional Learning Series
Our Virtual Professional Learning Series is created for teachers-by teachers-to bring together content experts and educators from all backgrounds. With an emphasis on fun, engaging, accessible, and free tools for classrooms, these...
Wikipedia: Literatura De Los Estados Unidos
Wikipedia overview in Spanish of American literature from its roots to contemporary authors and themes. This entry is a broad sweep -- no era is covered in depth but it's a helpful "big picture" view for Spanish-speaking students, with...
Voice of America: American History: 1920s Were a Big Time for the Arts
Voice of America offers an article about the arts in the Jazz Age including information about authors who wrote to protest what they saw happening in society. Read this article or listen to the narration of it.
Washington State University
Washington State University: Literary Movements: A Few Words on Huckleberry Finn
At this website, read what famous authors have said about Mark Twain's famous novel, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Includes quotes by T.S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.