Wyzant: Reactions
A good resource on chemical reactions, organized by topic: "Examples of chemical changes," "Chemical equations of chemical reactions," "Balancing equations," "Synthesis reactions," "Decomposition reactions," "Single replacement...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Reactions!
Students use colored marshmallows (representing atoms) to construct compounds and arrange them into a balanced chemical equation.
Fun Based Learning: Chemistry: Classic Chembalancer
An exercise for students to practice balancing equations. Exercise gives one equation per page and after the students complete the problem it tells them whether their answer is correct or not. A good basic practice for students who need...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Chemical Changes: Reacting an Acid and Base
For this chemistry lab, students will investigate chemical changes that occur when acids and bases react. It is meant to introduce the concepts of chemical changes, gases have mass, conservation of mass, and balancing equations. Students...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Types of Chemical Reactions Jigsaw
Students will perform chemical reactions for the class to observe evidence of reactions and write equations to describe the reaction.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Chemical Calculations
You should be able to calculate the masses of reactants and products from balanced equations, and the formula of a compound from information about reacting masses.
Class Flow: Rates of Change
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is part 4 of a 4 part series to include the nature of chemical reactions, reaction types, and balancing chemical equations.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Stoichiometric Calculations
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In the following online tutorial students will learn to calculate the amount in moles of a reactant or product from the mass of another reactant or product. They...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Chemistry: Stoichiometry
Through informational text, interactive practice problems, video clips, and real-world application, students are introduced to the science of Stoichiometry.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Conservation of Mass It's the Law!
This resource includes videos, interactives, and additional resources to help students understand the law of conservation of mass and how to balance chemical equations.
Chem Team: Stoichiometry: Volume Volume Stoichiometry
Understand volume-volume stoichiometry with these volume-based example problems worked with solutions and explanations.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Oxidation Reduction Reactions [Pdf]
Read about how oxidation-reductions affect our everyday lives. View how atoms, molecules, and ions are reduced during the oxidation-reduction process. Learn how some of the normal chemical reactions in the body can change DNA. Use the...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Salt Solutions
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students begin by predicting whether a salt solution is acidic, basic, or neutral, and then practice writing balanced equations for hydrolysis reactions. They also...
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Basic Stiochiometry
Detailed discussion of stoichiometry, mols, and percents. Includes examples showing dimensional analysis (factor-lable method) and a link to the mole road map (a diagram which leads one through the stoichiometric problem-solving process).
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Single Replacement Reactions
Information and examples on single and double replacement reactions, also called single displacement, single substitution, or activity replacement and double displacement, or metathesis. Practice problems with answers are available.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Le Chatlier's Principle: Determining Color of Nitrogen Dioxide
Students observe the effects of temperature change on the color of nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen tetroxide by manipulating glass tubes containing the gases at equilibrium. Then, they write a balanced equation for the reaction and...
Educaplus (Jesús Peñas Cano)
Educaplus: Ajuste De Reacciones [In Spanish]
Practice how to balance simple chemical reactions.