MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Blue Whales
Discover useful information about blue whales including description, behavior, range, habitat, diet, breeding, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Minke Whale
Discover useful information about minke whales including description, behavior, range, habitat, diet, breeding, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Gray Whale
Discover useful information about gray whales including description, behavior, range, habitat, diet, breeding, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: North Atlantic Right Whales
Discover useful information about North Atlantic right whales including description, behavior, range, habitat, diet, breeding, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Right Whale Dolphins
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on right whale dolphins with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Zoology: Gray Whale
Information about the gray whale: physical characteristics, behavior, reproduction, distribution, threats, species survival status, etc. (Published March 1, 2010)
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Journey North: Humpback Whales
A very informative article that answers questions related to characteristics of the humpback whale plus life cycle, ecology, behavioral adaptations and conservation. The migratory patterns of this whale are also tracked.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Journey North: Right Whales
A comprehensive article that answers a number of questions about the right whale. Questions deal with characteristics, life cycle, ecology and conservation. This site also contains lessons and activities that can be used in the...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Journey North: Gray Whales
A comprehensive presentation that answers a number of questions about gray whales. In addition, there are challenge questions, lessons, and activities that can be used in the classroom. the migratory pattern of this whale is also tracked.
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Nature: Grey Whale
The Canadian Museum of Nature provides a concise introduction to the Grey Whale. Learn some basic facts about this large baleen whale. Pictures of the Grey Whale are also provided.
Unique Australian Animals
Unique Australian Animals: The Southern Right Whale
Dive into the world of the Southern Right Whale. Visit this webpage to learn more about this Australian whale.
Fishin' for Facts: Humpback Whale
The humpback Whale's size, baleen plates, physical characteristics, and habitat are discussed.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: American Mammals: Common Minke Whale
Common Minke Whales are the second-smallest baleen whales. They are identifiable by a narrow, pointy snout, and most seen in North American waters have a white stripe on the back of each flipper. Learn more about the Balaenoptera...
Ducksters: Blue Whale for Kids: Learn About the Giant Mammal.
What are blue whales? Kids find out about the largest mammal on earth that lives in the ocean.
Fishin for Facts Library
A comprehensive site that includes a wealth of information on whales, sharks, penguins and squid.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Journey North: Gray Whales
Take a peek into Journey North's Gray Whale migration study. Learn about characteristics, migration, development, research, and conservation about these enormous marine mammals.
The Dolphin Institute: For Kids!
Great interactive site for elementary and middle school students. Learn about the order cetaceans, mysticetes, odontocetes, (baleen whales and toothed whales) and bottlenose dolphins. Then play some interactive games after learning about...