CK-12 Foundation
Order Real Numbers: Pie Baking Contest
Time is on your side. Scholars plot three points on number lines with different time units to represent the time it takes three people to bake pies. They determine the fastest baker and the difference in times between the bakers.
Ohio Literacy Resource Center
Converting Units of Measure
Follow six steps to implement this series of metric worksheets. Here, mathematicians exhibit their knowledge of problem solving, while converting units of measurement and label their answers with the applicable unit name.
Willow Tree
Order of Operations
It's the classic please excuse my dear aunt sally strategy to remembering the order of operations. Young mathematicians practice to develop an understanding of the order of operations. Examples and practice problems include...
Curated OER
Division: Divisors Larger than Dividend
In this division worksheet, students calculate 20 division problems where the divisors are bigger than the dividends.
Curated OER
The divider (mixed number quotients)
his unit uses two of the series of four Divider learning objects to support the students division of whole numbers where the quotient is a mixed number (whole number and fraction). The Divider encourages the students to split a division...
Curated OER
Far Out Fact Families
Second graders explore related multiplication and division facts. They study the inverse relationship of multiplication and division and engage in a group discussion about families. They complete a web-based lesson which is imbedded in...
Curated OER
Pascal's Triangle
Middle schoolers study Pascal's triangle. They construct their own version of Pascal's triangle, and relate some of the uses for it. While working through this process, students practice their integer multiplication and division skills.
Curated OER
Casting Out Nines
Students identify division problems with no remainders. In this division lesson, students learn to decipher division problems using addition and subtraction to determine if the problem will contain a remainder.
Curated OER
Circle Drill Speed Chart
In this math facts worksheet, students read about using the circle drill speed chart to practice addition facts, division facts, multiplication facts, and subtraction facts. Student use the blank charts to practice the skill.
Curated OER
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Young scholars play a math game which assesses their mastery of selecting the appropriate operation to solve specific problems.
Curated OER
Mixed Operations
In this mixed operations worksheet, students use the order of operations rule to help them solve the multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction problems.
Curated OER
Keep Those Expressions in “Orderâ€
In this operations worksheet, students write a problem, fill in the PEMDAS table, and simplify any parenthesis first. Then they simplify any powers and perform multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction if necessary.
Curated OER
Exploring Integers
Middle schoolers explore and implement the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing negative integers. The rules for each of the operations are reviewed and applied to solve a variety of problems.
Curated OER
Revision of the Four Rules (Whole Numbers)
In this whole numbers worksheet, students read through an explanation of how to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers. Then, students answer 60 questions in which they will do one of these operations with whole numbers....
Curated OER
Basic Ideas of Functions
For this Algebra I/Algebra II worksheet, young scholars determine whether or not a relation is a function. Students determine the domain of a function and express the answer in interval notation. The three page worksheet...
Curated OER
Who's In The Fact Family?
Students study related addition and subtraction facts. In this math lesson, students use related addition and subtraction to solve problems. Students use manipulatives to explore fact families.
Curated OER
Number Search
For this number search worksheet, students search for equations that equal 20. These equations could be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, and they find 12 of them.
Curated OER
Multiplication Stories
Second graders solve various multiplication math word problems involving cars and people, fish and fish bowls, and tables and table legs. They write and solve multiplication story problems related to whole numbers, addition, subtraction,...
Curated OER
Not So Snappy 1
In this mathematical operations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) worksheet, middle schoolers solve 6 word problems demonstrating their understanding of the concept.
Curated OER
Not So Snappy 3
In this order of operations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) worksheet, learners solve 7 word problems demonstrating their understanding of the concept.
Curated OER
Using Multiplication To Do Division
In this division worksheet, students complete the problems on the worksheet that they can do based on how far they know their times tables.
Curated OER
Operations with Signed Numbers
Pupils complete a variety of activities to comprehend concepts of operations with signed numbers. The integration of technology make the delivery of the lesson much more exciting for Students.
Curated OER
Word Problem Exchange
Students discuss elements of word problems: key words, data, computation clues, and unnecessary information and use the four steps of problem solving to find a solution and check for reasonableness.
Curated OER
One Variable Word Problems
Here is a one-variable word problems learning exercise in which learners complete word problems dealing with all four operations and one variable. They complete a total of 18 problems.