A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff
This site, created by a teacher, was put together to provide easy access to information she found most helpful. The end result is an excellent resource for all educators.
Community Learning Network
Cln: Instructional Materials in Media Literacy Studies
CLN "Theme Pages," focus on specific topics within Media Literacy/Studies. CLN's theme pages are collections of useful Internet educational resources within a narrow curricular topic and contain links to two types of information....
Bbc: Nature Wildfacts: American Bison
Use this site to learn some amazing facts about the American Bison and their close brush with extinction.
Pbs Learning Media: Arthur: Definition of Cool
Talk with your children about what it means to be cool. Encourage them to realize that being cool means feeling good about your actions and yourself.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Welcome to Our Classroom
Students will create a classroom resource book for substitutes to help them feel more comfortable and familiar with faces and procedures in our classroom and school.
PE Central
Pe Central: Baseball Class of the Week
Teachers can use this activity in gym class to encourage students to behave according to the PE class rules.
American Psychological Association
Apa: Family Dynamics Related to Aggression in Boys
This site from the American Psychological Association provides research that concluded family dynamics can affect aggression in boys.
Discipline by Design: Stages of Discipline
There are many experts telling us how to handle discipline problems in our classrooms. Yet these experts do not always agree. Thomas Gordon, creator of Teacher Effectiveness Training staunchly opposes Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline...
EL Education
El Education: Values
An online book entitled Take Care of Your Responsibilities created by young kindergarten students and their teachers at Kanu o ka Aina Charter School on the Big Island in Hawaii. The bilingual book contains text and photographs showing...
Pbs: Simple Games That Explore Feelings
Identify and explore a wide range of human emotions and then participate in a classroom parade dramatizing emotions through body movements and facial expressions.
Cynthia J. O'Hora
Mrs. O's House: School Handbook Presentation
Reflecting on Avi's book, Nothing But the Truth A Documentary Novel, classrooms will review and consider protocol in understanding the school's handbook, policies, and how these are communicated to the student body.
Planet psych.com: Defense Mechanisms and Why We Use Them
Brief description of some of the most common defense mechanisms and short explanation of why people use them.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Late to Class
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides a graphic organizer. Students will be able to respond in writing to an explanatory writing prompt. This tool may be used as a reflective writing prompt for students who are late.
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- Behavior Management Charts
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- Classroom Behavior Management