CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Statistics: Sampling and Bias
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Understanding bias in surveys and samples.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Statistics: Reducing Bias in Sampling
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] This Concept introduces students to methods for reducing bias.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Identifying Bias in Samples and Surveys
Practice problems identifying bias.
University of Georgia
University of Georgia: Inter Math: Sample
This site gives a description of a sample (of a population). The page offers information on various types of sampling. There are links to related terms, everyday examples, more information, and the interactive check point involving...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Samples and Surveys
Get independent practice working with samples and surveys. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Sampling the Electorate
As the pollster for candidate Higgins, you need to know how she is faring with different groups. Read her political profile, view the demographic profile of the city, decide on the groups to poll, review the results and learn about...
SMART Technologies
Smart: Sampling and Misleading Graphs
Teachers can use Smart Exchange to download a SMART Notebook lesson covering the topic of sampling and misleading graphs.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Mathematics: Online Study Tools: Statistics and Probability
The online test demonstrates knowledge of the concepts used in Algebra I. The multiple choice questions assess students on statistics and probability. Topics include biases, samples, and surveys.
Pbs Online News Hour: Mac Neil Lehrer Productions: Sampling Bias, Ca Recall
In this lesson plan, students are exposed to the different types of political samples, given lists of election data and asked to differentiate between the samples, and informed as to the sources of bias in samples. In addition to...
Web Center for Social Research Methods
Research Models Knowledge Base: Selecting Survey Method
Details the following issues that should be considered when selecting the survey method: population, sampling, questionnaire, bias, and administration.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: S Ic Why Randomize?
The exercise demonstrates that judgment (non-random) samples tend to be biased in the sense that they produce samples that are not balanced with respect to the population characteristics of interest. Students will estimate the mean...
Education Place
Houghton Mifflin: Eduplace: Math Steps: What Is It? Data
This is a great place for lesson information on the concept of analyzing data - measures of central tendency. Three other tabs are available besides the "What Is It?" link. Tips and Tricks, When Students Ask, and Lesson Ideas also...
Mangahigh: Data: Practical Ways to Carry Out a Survey
Students learn about the concept of taking a survey by exploring a tutorial. They can then test their knowledge by taking a ten question assessment that increases in difficulty as they correctly answer questions.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Amazing Space: Galaxy Hunter
Journey to the wildest regions of space, and wrestle with cosmic giants, galaxies. Explore the Hubble Deep Fields from a statistical point of view.