Museum of Tolerance
Where Do Our Families Come From?
After a grand conversation about immigration to the United States, scholars interview a family member to learn about their journey to America. They then take their new-found knowledge and apply their findings to tracking their family...
Research Tasks: New Words, Relevant Information, Revision
Word builders. Scholars participate in a mini lesson about affixes. They then complete a research vocabulary organizer and share their definitions of the words with the class. They gather more evidence for their research from the...
Curated OER
Pizza Biography
A biography writing lesson with a tasty twist! Kids create a "visual biography" in which each pizza slice represents a paragraph, and toppings represent supporting details. They learn research techniques, note-taking skills, and how to...
Curated OER
Searching for Stars
Positive character traits in literature are explored in this character development and literacy lesson. Learners listen to Cinderella by Charles Perrault and Little Gold Star by Robert D. San Souci, followed by a discussion comparing the...
Curated OER
The History of African-American Children: A Guide for Teaching Black History at the Elementary School Level
How do you introduce the topic of slavery to your youngest learners? The Sneetches, by Dr. Suess, is a great introduction to the idea of being different. Read the story to your class, and discuss desegregation in...
Curated OER
Noncombatancy and the Seventh day Adventist Church
Upper graders investigate how the Seventh Day Adventists are objectors to the practice of war. The activity covers the Civil War and examines the church's position about the practice of war. The research extends to modern wars and...
Curated OER
Questions of Courage
Examine discrimination. In this character education lesson, learners read two biographies, Vivien Naki and Hamilton Naki then analyze their personal discrimination experiences. They complete a Venn diagram to compare and...
Curated OER
Small Actions with Big Results
Students explore philanthropy in literature. In this literature lesson, students read text from three different genres that all have a moral. Students compare and contrast these pieces of literature, focusing on the character traits that...
Curated OER
Wagons West!
Through learning about the Oregon Trail and Nebraska, learners evaluate the elements of historical fiction. Coming with a comprehensive bibliography, this lesson has your class learn about settlers traveling along the Oregon Trail,...
Curated OER
Acting for the Common Goods
The first of a three-part series on bullying, this plan has class members present skits about bullying, write and sign an anti-bullying pledge, and complete a service project. For the skit, learners use information from previous lessons...
Curated OER
Take a Deep Breath: Air Today, Air Tomorrow
This is the introductory activity in a series about air quality. Why is it so important that we breathe clean air? How can we make sure we're keeping our air clean? A discussion is the central idea of the activity, and example questions...
Learning to Give
The Beginning of the Storm
Introduce readers to Mildred Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry with a lesson that sets the context for the novel. Class members research the bigotry in Mississippi during the Great Depression and identify examples in the story of how...
Curated OER
A Taste of Korea: A Chemistry-Geography Adventure
Students explore the different aspects of Korean culture. For this geography lesson, students prepare different Korean dishes in the classroom. They create a visual display of things they learned about Korean culture.
Curated OER
Promote Nonviolence
Take a look at the topic of violence as seen in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Discuss together the values that Atticus holds and brainstorm ways to combat violence in a similar manner to what he portrays in the novel. Get your...
Curated OER
Debt: Who Does it Affect?
Debt is a topic that affects everybody: the community, the nation, and the entire globe. Kids take charge of debt by designing a project that informs those in their community about good financial choices, keeps personal debt low, and...
Learning to Give
It's Never Too Late: Air Quality
What are the causes and effects of pollutants on the quality of the air we breathe? Groups research emission standards, emission controls, career opportunities in the area of air quality control, and things government and individuals can...
Curated OER
Global Hunger and Malnutrition
Is there a difference between hunger and malnutrtion? Is this a problem only in third world countries? How does hunger and malnutrition affect the community? Why do these problems exist when the world produces enough food to feed...
Curated OER
Definition Lists
Students create a list of items with indented text block definitions in an HTML document. They produce a bibliography with a definition list.
Curated OER
Young scholars develop a list of famous people and choose an individual from the list. They create a web design for notes. They research their individual and add information to their bibliography. They finish by writing a report on the...
Curated OER
Using Information Resources
Eighth graders engage in a lesson plan that is intended to develop the skills of research to find the proper resources needed to find information. The lesson plan includes dialogue boxes that is intended for the teacher to use for direct...
Curated OER
Not Just Another Native American Lesson
Second graders focus on Native Americans through hands-on crafts. They also study various Native American tales and legends, geography, and fine arts of the different regions.
Curated OER
Philanthropy, Volunteering And Service: the Historical Connections Lesson 2: Hunger Hurts
Students investigate the effects of hunger on a personal and community level. They examine how philanthropy can help alleviate hunger issues in the world and in their own community. They look at the available services using Internet...
Curated OER
Food for Thought: Hunger???Around the Block, Around the World LESSON 2: Local Hunger and Malnutrition
Learners examine the difference between hunger and malnutrition. They study the idea of hunger as a theme in literature while discovering how communities can solve hunger problems.
Curated OER
Goals -- Lesson 2
Learners watch the movie "Rudy" and identify his long and short term goals. Individually, they develop a list of their own short and long-term goals and share them with the class. To end the lesson, they discuss how the goals we make...