Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Mural Inspired by Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera
This site has a series of curricular resources on the Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. The site is primarily directed toward teachers to strengthen their teaching skills but has other content beyond those dedicated to lesson...
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Robert Cormier
This site features information on the life and work of the author Robert Cormier. Links to sites focused on specific books and a bibliography are found within this resource.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Edgar Allan Poe
Delve into the work of Edgar Allan Poe through the links provides from this Web English Teacher site. This site features links to biographical information, lesson plans, teaching ideas and more.
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Ww Ii as Seen Through Children's Literature
This interdisciplinary unit plan relies on children's literature about World War II. Bibliographies for both learners and teachers are included as well as a rationale for the unit. Includes links to resources.
Everything ESL
Everything Esl: Amazing Animals
Great lesson plan for a mixed level ESL class that teaches vocabulary for animals. Activity downloads, a bibliography, and related links provide the teacher with a number of valuable resources.