Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Biological Macromolecules
How much do you know about biological macromolecules?
BioMan Biology
Bio Man Biology: Life Chemistry Quizzes
Two multiple-choice quizzes, one on the processes and types of biological molecules, the other on the structure and replication of DNA.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Biology: The Building Blocks of Life: Self Check Quiz
Try these five multiple-choice questions about the building blocks of life. The quiz is self-checking, and provides hints to the student if needed.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Molecules of Life Quiz
Take an interactive quiz over the molecules of life. After completing the quiz, check your score, and then revisit any incorrect question for further review.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Introduction to Macromolecules
This activity introduces the fundamental characteristics of biological macromolecules.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 2.2 Organic Compounds
Learn about the organic compounds and macromolecules found in living organisms,
University of Arizona
The Biology Project: Photosynthesis Problem Set Dark Reaction
Problem set tests understanding of Photosynthesis by providing multiple choice questions accompanied by related tutorials. Set 2 Focuses on carbohydrate synthesis.
Ucs: Functions of the Four Major Groups of Organic Molecules
Check out this chart about the four major groups of organic molecules
Curated OER
Structural Formula of Starch on the Left and a Cellulose on the Right
Tutorial provides an overview of the structural features of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Curated OER
Structural Formula of a Triglyceride
Tutorial provides an overview of the structural features of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Curated OER
Molecular Formula of a Diglyceride (Phospholipid)
Tutorial provides an overview of the structural features of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Curated OER
Legend: Hydrogen (H), Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), Phosphate (P)
Tutorial provides an overview of the structural features of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Curated OER
Chemical Formula of a Nucleotide
Tutorial provides an overview of the structural features of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
McGraw Hill
Mc Graw Hill: The Chemistry of Organic Molecules [Pdf]
This PDF is a chapter outline covering the chemistry of organic molecules.