US National Archives
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Museum: American Women Exhibit
Delve into the fascinating history of American women that helped shape our country. From 1600 into the 21st century, follow the journey through narratives, biographies, and photos.
National Women’s History Museum
National Women's History Museum: Pocahontas
Among the most famous women in early American history, Pocahontas is credited with helping the struggling English settlers survive.
University of Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma Tulsa: Biographies: Kate Barnard
This biography summarizes the work of Kate Barnard, the first woman to be elected to a state elected office in the United States.
Agnes Scott College
Agnus Scott College: Biographies of Women Mathematicians
Use this site to learn about the women behind the math. Lawrence Riddle, professor of mathematics at Agnes Scott College, created this site as a tribute to women who have made accomplishments in the world of mathematics.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Women in American History
At this site from Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc. you can follow brave-hearted women through a timeline of unbelievable "Herstory." Impressive site tracks the unsinkable American woman from Early American adventurers like Sacagawea and...
National Women's Hall of Fame
National Women's Hall of Fame: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Brief biography of this famous women's rights leader.
Purdue University
Woman Artists of the American West: Women in Photography
A site by Peter Palmquist on Women photographers and the American Indian. There are biographies and images from thirteen women who were active during the latter part of the 19th century.
Abc Art, Books, and Creativity: Artist Biographies
This resource highlights several female artists from various visual art genres. You can view one piece from each artist and read their biography. Included in the list of women are Frida Kahlo and Alma Woodsey Thomas.
Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin Historical Society: Theodora Winton Youmans and Women's Suffrage
Theodora Winton Youmans is attributed with changing public perceptions of women's suffrage in Wisconsin so that the state became the first to support it in 1919. She did this by pushing for change in federal laws, even going against her...
Pbs American Experience: Triangle Fire
Film and special features on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911. Features include a timeline of the deadliest workplace accidents, biographies of famous women of the time, and primary resources of the coverage of the fire. For...
National Women’s History Museum
National Women's History Museum: Belle Boyd
A biography of Belle Boyd, the most famous female spy of the Civil War.
National Women’s History Museum
National Women's History Museum: Ruby Bridges
A biographical look at Ruby Bridges who became famous at six years of age by being the first Black child to attend a desegregated school in America.
National Women’s History Museum
National Women's History Museum: Annie Oakley
Biographical account on Annie Oakley, famous markswoman known for her sharpshooting.
National Women’s History Museum
National Women's History Museum: Maya Angelou
Poet, dancer, singer, activist, and scholar, Maya Angelou is a world-famous author. She is best known for her unique and pioneering autobiographical writing style.
Agnes Scott College
Alphabetical Index of Women Mathematicians
Read the biographies of dozens of women mathematicians who were important in the 1700's, 1800's, and 1900's.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: Biographies: Jane Addams
In Spanish, learn of this accomplished woman's endeavors to improve the lives of the poor and disadvantaged. Jane Addams famous "Hull House" was copied throughout the U.S. Pictures and other links as well. (In Spanish)
Merna A Forster
Heroines: A Guide to Women in Canadian History
Read some interesting biographies about famous women in Canadian history from entertainers to politicians to activists.
National Women's Hall of Fame
National Women's Hall of Fame: Sojourner Truth
The National Women's Hall of Fame provides a brief biography of the famous abolitionist and former slave, Sojourner Truth.
Ohio Public Library Information Network: Famous Ohioans
Ohio Public Library Information Network provides this site where you can play games, read biographies, find book titles and links for more information about astronauts, Indians, inventors, presidents, and women.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Women in Flight
Beryl Markham's contribution to aviation history is discussed in this lengthy article. Facts about many other famous female aviators before and after Markham are also included.
Danuta Bois
Distinguished Women of Past and Present
This site has biographies of women who contributed to our culture in many different ways. There are writers, educators, scientists, heads of state, politicians, civil rights crusaders, artists, entertainers, and others. Some were alive...
Ducksters: Biography for Kids: Scientists and Inventors
This site contains links to biographies of famous scientists and inventors such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo, and Marie Curie. Learn how these men and women made discoveries that changed the world forever.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Biographies of Women Mathematicians: Julia Bowman Robinson
This biography depicts the accomplishments and struggles in the life of Julia Robinson (1919-1985 CE). Learn more about her contributions to the world of mathematics.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Biographies of Women Mathematicians: Mary Ross
This Native-American engineer used her talents in mathematics to teach mathematics, work as a statistical clerk, and develop fighter planes. Read more about her contributions in this biography.