Massachusetts Historical Society
Massachusetts Historical Society: The Battle of Bunker Hill: Biographies Mercy Otis Warren
These biographies includes a very short bio on Warren (1748-1814 CE), a spirited female author who published a three-volume history of the American Revolution.
Famous Texans: Oveta Culp Hobby
A biography of Oveta Culp Hobby, who lived from 1905-1995. She became a Colonel and the director of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps during World War II.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Olga Taussky Todd (1906 1995 Ce)
The brilliant mathematician is honored in this detailed biography of her life, education and contributions to the world of mathematics.
Black Past
Black Past: Magggie Lena Walker
With this brief biography, learn about the life and career of Maggie L. Walker, the first African American bank president. Topics also includes Walker's activism, philanthropy and family history.
Washington and Lee University: Black History Month: Maggie Lena Walker
Maggie L. Walker was the first female bank president of the United States. Learn about the life and work of this African American teacher and entrepreneur. This brief biography includes accompanying audio [1:49], as well as a...
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Louisa May Alcott
Delve into the writing of Louisa May Alcott when you check out this resource. This site features links to lesson plans and activities for "Little Women" along with biographical information on Alcott.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Biographies of Women Mathematicians: Mina Rees
The life and accomplishments of Mina Rees (1902-1997 CE) are highlighted on this site, focusing on her contributions to the Office of Naval Research.
Wikipedia: Sojourner Truth
Easy to read biography of anti-slavery activist, abolitionist and feminist, Sojourner Truth. Article covers her early life as a slave, her Civil War years, and her famous speeches.
Mississippi Writers' Page: Ida B. Wells Barnett
The University of Mississippi offers a detailed biography of Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862-1931) the famous freedom fighter is offered at this site. It includes an extensive bibliography of her works, and works about her, as well as some...
Women in History: Isadora Duncan Biography
A nice brief overview of her life and a list of web sites and links that provide information about modern dancer Isadora Duncan.
Upr Humacao: La Mujer en Las Matematicas Y Las Ciencias De Computos
Short biography of famous female mathematicians.
Pbs: American Experience: Annie Oakley
A biography of Annie Oakley which traces her childhood, her stardom in Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show, her long marriage to Frank Butler, and her life after the show. Part of a larger PBS American Experience site about Annie Oakley.
Dorchester County Library: Annie Oakley
A one-page, but extensive biography that examines Oakley's incredible life from her difficult childhood to her marriage to Butler and subsequent employment with the Wild West shows to her restless retirement. Excellent coverage.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: Female Mathematicians
This University of St. Andrews presents this list of female mathematicians with a description of their contributions to the field.
Cowgirl Hall of Fame: Lucille Mulhall
This brief biography describes the career achievements of American cowgirl Lucille Mulhall.
Oklahoma Historical Society
Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture: Lucille Mulhall
Learn about the career of the first famous cowgirl, Lucille Mulhall of Oklahoma.
Wikipedia: Lucille Mulhall
Learn about the life of Oklahoma-born cowgirl Lucille Mulhall, the first famous cowgirl in the United States.
University of Pittsburgh
Ch.2: The Solo Dancers: Isadora Duncan
Biographical information about dancer Isadora Duncan; includes the techniques she studied, her dance company, her philosophy, her fame and innovations in dance.
Design Museum (London): Zaha Hadid
An impressive biography of Zaha Hadid, which includes a photo of Hadid, a chronological display of selected works, and a bibliography of additional readings.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Mary Fairfax Somerville
Despite the lack of a formal education, Mary Somerville (1780-1872 CE) became one of the most famous female mathematicians. Learn more about her life and contributions in this interesting biography.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: Emmy Amalie Noether
The School of Mathematics and Statistics of St. Andrew's University provides biographical information on the mathematical career of Emmy Noether. Included are links to other famous individuals with whom she worked and links to her topics...
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia
As the first woman ever to receive a doctorate, Elena Piscopia contributed to many fields, including mathematics. Her biography and details of her interests and accomplishments are presented in this summary.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Winifred Edgerton Merrill
A short biography is offered on the life and accomplishments of Winifred Merrill, the first American woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics.
Wsu: Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia
Full of education and charity, Elena Piscopia devoted her life to learning and ministering to the poor. Her accomplishments as a mathematician and philosopher are discussed in this short biography.