Biology Wise: Parts of a Cell
Describes the functions of a cell and the many parts involved in those functions.
Biology Wise: Functions of a Centrosome and Its Role in Cell Division
Discusses the discovery of centrosomes, their important role in mitosis in animal cells, and their other functions.
Biology Wise: Functions of Vesicles
Describes the characteristics of vesicles and the functions they perform in a cell based on which type they are.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Basic Cell Structures Review
Reiew important information and key points about cell structures.
Biology Wise: Chloroplast: Structure and Function
The structure and functions of chloroplasts are described in detail here.
Biology Wise: The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Its Functions
The endoplasmic reticulum is found in eukaryotic cells. The characteristics and functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum are described and it is then compared with the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Biology Wise: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Cell Metabolism
The characteristics of the rough endoplasmic reticulum are described and its role in protein synthesis, including creating proteins, folding them, transporting them, and checking them for quality.
University of Arizona
Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, & Viruses
This tutorial compares prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular organization and contrasts cells with viruses. Includes a practice quiz to test your knowledge.
Biology Wise: The Cell Wall Functions in Plants and Animal
Describes the composition and functions of cell walls in plants, algae, fungi, and bacteria.
Biology Wise: The Structure and Functions of a Cell Nucleus
The parts of a cell nucleus are described along with a list of the functions of a cell nucleus.
Biology Wise: Vacuole Structure
The structure and function of a vacuole inside a plant cell are described.
Biology Wise: The Major Functions of Lysosomes
Explains what lysosomes are, the different functions they perform in a cell, and what can happen when they become dysfunctional.
Biology Wise: A Labeled Diagram That Explains Function of Nucleolus
Explains what the cell nucleolus is, its functions, and its structure.
Biology Wise: Vacuole Analogy
Explains what vacuoles are and what their functions are in animal cells and plant cells, and offers analogies to help students understand their different roles.
Biology Wise: Lysosome Analogy
Presents information about lysosomes and offers analogies to help students recall their functions in a cell.
Biology Wise: Vacuole Facts
Presents information about vacuoles and offers analogies to help students recall their functions in a cell.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Ribosomes and Mitochondria
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Describes the structure and function of ribosomes and mitochondria.
Sumanas Inc: Discover Biology: Vesicle Budding and Fusing
Tutorial with animated illustrations showing how vesicles work to transport materials inside a cell and release them through the cell's membrane to the outside.
Biology Wise: Mitochondria: Understanding Its Structure and Functions
The parts and functions of the mitochondria are described as well as the many illnesses that can result from mitochondrial dysfunction.
Biology Wise: Facts About Chloroplast
Explains how chloroplasts evolved into their present form, how photosynthesis takes place in them, where they are found in plants, physical characteristics, and other functions they perform.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Cell Mitochondria
Study the mitochondria in the science of biology on this site. Find out how these tiny organelles inside cells produce energy for the rest of the cell through respiration.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Cell Nucleus
Explore the cell nucleus in the science of biology on this site. Learn how this organelle is the control center of the cell, storing the DNA and hereditary information inside chromosomes.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Cell Ribosome
Kids learn about cell ribosome in the science of biology. This organelle acts like a tiny factory making all sorts of different proteins for the cell using RNA and amino acids.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
Resource takes a look at the structure and function of the organelles mitochondria and chloroplasts. It also examines endosymbiosis, where the organelles probably came from.