Black Past
Black Past: Robeson, Paul
This encyclopedia entry tells about Paul Robeson, famous baritone, and his struggles for racial equality. A link to a website for more information on African-Americans is provided.
Class Flow: Martin Luther King, Jr. Comprehension Activity
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is geared for a comprehension activity for the book, "My Brother, Martin" by Christine King Farris (MLK Jr.'s sister). It is intended to be a comprehension lesson based around the reading...
University of Washington
University of Washington: Black Panther Party History and Geography
Explore the history and geography of the Panther Party, including maps and a timeline detailing more than 500 incidents involving the Black Panther Party in dozens of locations stretching from Berkeley to Algeria and a set of interactive...
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: The Negro Holocaust, 1880 1950
This resource provides information on the lynching of African Americans, what it was, why it happened and how frequently it happened. It also outlines race riots in the first part of the 20th century as well as discussion on the black...
Digital History
Digital History: The March on Washington
In August 1963, more than 200,000 people marched from the Washington Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial for civil rights. Read about that day in this brief article.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Civil Rights Movement
This collection of teacher resources provides suggestions for lesson and unit plans to teach about the Civil Rights Movement. Includes a variety of resources for instruction on the civil rights movement and Black History Month.
Columbia University
Columbia University: The Malcolm X Project
A site that encompasses many facets of the life of Malcolm X through interview clips, chapters from an autobiography, photos, a project journal, and more.
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Edward the Black Prince
History for Kids presents an overview of the life and rule of Edward of Woodstock, also known to history as the Black Prince, who is famous for his military might and his victories over the French during th Middle Ages. Links to teacher...
University of Groningen
American History: Essays: Black Lost Cause: Implications of Colored Service
Discusses the difficulties involved in developing a true picture of how many African Americans actively supported the Confederate cause.
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Ap Us History: Unit 8: An Age of Confidence and Anxiety
This extensive learning module examines the United States' response to the global uncertainty and instability that followed World War II and the ways that marginalized groups challenged discrimination, and the counter-responses to their...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Rhythms in Poetry: Langston Hughes
Poet laureate Langston Hughes is featured in this brief biography highlighting his vast collection of writings, particularly his poetry, which drew upon racial and self awareness in America. See "Langston Hughes Activities" for related...
John F. Kennedy Center
The Kennedy Center: Lift Every Voice and Sing
Explore and analyze "Lift Every Voice and Sing" , a poem by James Weldon Johnson, which was set to music and is considered the "Black National Anthem."
US Navy
U.s. Navy Museum: Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan
This lesson plan discusses the American initiative to open Japan to western trade. It also features a biography of Commodore Perry, an exploration of the Japanese class system, and various learning activities.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Sti Lesson 47: Get Up, Stand Up
This activity uses music from three different areas of the world and three different time periods in the 20th century to address the issue of civil rights for black populations.
Black Past
Black Past: Young, Coleman
This encyclopedia entry recounts the colorful life of Coleman Young, long time mayor of Detroit.
Wisconsin Historical Society
Turning Points Lesson Plans: Roles of Leadership
Discuss leadership of the past and today while learning about Indian chiefs Tomah, Black Hawk, Keokuk, and others. This website includes a link to the article "Indian Chiefs and Pioneers of the Northwest," group activity and game ideas,...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Social Realism: W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. DuBois is featured here for his writings which advocated human rights for all, but particularly for African Americans in the early twentieth century. Click "W. E. B. DuBois Activities" for related materials.
Pbs: Black Kingdoms of the Nile
A geometry lesson that examines the history and structure of ancient pyramids and engages learners in constructing pyramid models. A comprehensive lesson that considers students with diverse learning styles. Math concepts introduced...
Teachnology: February Monthly Teacher Resource Guide
Enhance lessons revolving around February, its holidays, themes, etc. with the excellent resources provided by Teachnology. Topics such as Valentine's Day, President's Day, Black History Month and many more will be enriched by these...
Wikipedia: Arthur Ashe
This article provides an in-depth look into the life and career of athlete Arthur Ashe. Includes detailed statistics on his professional tennis career.
Stanford University
Stanford University: Lesson Plan on Martin Luther King, Jr. & Malcolm X
A comprehensive four part lesson plan exploring how the ideas of the two great African American leaders were similar and different both in their ideologies and their visions.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Black History
A to Z Teacher Stuff provides lesson plans that specifically target the accomplishments of African-Americans or the African-American culture.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Sonia Sanchez
Biographical details on American poet, playwright, and educator, Sonia Sanchez, who was noted for her black activism.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: James Farmer
This entry from Encyclopedia Britannica features James Farmer, an American civil rights activist who, as a leader of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), helped shape the civil rights movement through his nonviolent activism and...