Lesson Plan: Decoding: Context Activity
What does it mean to decode words in a context activity? Explore this lesson plan to find the answer to this question and more.
Lesson Plan: Decoding: Context Activity
What does it mean to decode words in a context activity? Explore this lesson plan to find the answer to this question and more.
Free Reading
Free Reading: The Take Away Game: Onset Rime Segmenting
A classroom activity led by the instructor. The student is given a spoken onset and rime, and learns to remove the onset and state the remaining rime.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Word Split Stomp, Segmenting Syllables Activity
A classroom activity that introduces and builds the accuracy of students' abilities of identifying syllables in a word. The instructor says a word, the student stomps once for each syllable in the word and then stomps one more time to...
Darlene Dittus: Free Phonics Lessons
Click on any of the ten interactive charts to hear different letter and letter-blend sounds and see corresponding words and pictures. In addition, over sixty printable phonics lessons provide word lists and practice activities for the...