Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University: Wwi Document Archive: Constitution of the Black Hand
The Constitution of the Black Hand, or Constitution of the Ujedinjenje ili Smrt, is thought to have contributed to the outbreak of World War I. It was signed in Belgrade on May 9, 1911.
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University: World War I Document Archive: The Zimmerman Note
Text of the Zimmerman Note to the German Ambassador to Mexico in 1917.
Curated OER
Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in Utah: Brigham Young Complex
The Beehive House and adjacent Lion House were the residence of Brigham Young from 1852 until his death in 1877. As President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the time of the Mormon settlement of the Salt Lake...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Brigham Young
Drawn portrait of Brigham Young.
University of Missouri
Famous Trials: Mountain Meadows Massacre (1875 76)
Called "the darkest deed of the nineteenth century," the brutal 1857 murder of 120 men, women, and children at a place in southern Utah called Mountain Meadows remains one of the most controversial events in the history of the American...
Curated OER
National Park Service: Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Beginning in Illinois in 1846 Brigham Young led a large group of Mormoms to Salt Lake City to avoid persecution. The trail they followed is now known as the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail. National Park Services provides the...
Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: Settling the Great Salt Lake
This site provides a brief account of Brigham Young and his Mormon followers as they settled in the Great Salt Lake Valley.
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University: World War I Document Archive: The Narodna Odbrana
Provides a programme from a Serbian patriotic society, the Narodna Odbrana (Defence of the People).
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University: Lee Library: Florence Nightingale: Life and Legacy
Online exhibit, with a variety of video presentations, letters, and a timeline, considers the life and contributions of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Brigham Young
First Governor of Utah
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Brigham Young
(1807-1877) American Morman leader.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Brigham Young
A celebrated Mormon leader, born at Whitingham, Vermont, June 1, 1801; died in Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 29, 1877.
Brigham Young University
Byu: Wwi Document Archive: Peace Treaty of Brest Litovsk
Brigham Young University offers the full text of the Peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed March of 1918 that officially ended Russian participation in the war.
Brigham Young University
World War I Document Archive
This Brigham Young University website provides documents from World War I. Includes treaties, official papers, biographies, and images.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia
This is a resource about the state of Utah. Includes images and articles on everything from geology to famous people in the state.
Pbs: New Perspectives on the West
This in-depth resource presents a history of the American West from pre-Columbian times until World War I with profiles, documents, and images. It encourages visitors to link these into patterns of historical meaning for themselves....
Utah Lighthouse Ministry: Bancroft's History of Utah: Utah as a Territory
A chapter from Bancroft's history of Utah, published in 1899, that discusses the Utah Territory.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Colonization of Utah
This resource provides a detailed discussion of the colonization of Utah.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Great Salt Lake
This resource provides a natural and human history of the Great Salt Lake.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Immigration to Utah
This resource looks at Mormon immigration into the state of Utah during the 19th century.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Manifesto
This resource examines the history of polygamy--being married to more than one woman--in the Mormon Church.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Salt Lake City
Contains a discussion of the history of Salt Lake City, from its Mormon past through its changes through time.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Polygamy
Discussion of the history of polygamy in the Mormon church from the Utah History Encyclopedia.