Utah Education Network
Uen: College and Career Awareness
This site provides Utah's College and Career Awareness Core Standards.
Job Star: Guides for Specific Careers
Are you looking for a career guide? This career planning resources is organized by job-specific field. Explore the required training, education, earnings, working environments, and career insight of your dream job!
Internet Career Connection: Career Focus Interest Inventory
The purpose of the Career Focus 2000 Interest Inventory (CF2II) is to help you identify possible career goals that match your strongest personal interests. The CF2II can accomplish this objective by providing you with a means of...
Careers New Zealand
Careers Nz: Market Researcher
Very descriptive overview of the job of a market researcher. Read about the job, skills needed, education needed, working conditions, and much more.
Arizona State University
Arts Work: What Is the Career for Me?
Information on careers in the arts presented in a series of click-through pages that include an interests inventory, interviews with working artists, and links to related sites. Also includes suggestions for teachers about how to discuss...
Curated OER
Glencoe: Exploring Majors and Careers
Are you interested in finding things you can do to help you prepare for a successful career? Use the Glencoe resources to find steps you can take to get your career plan started.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Careers With Animals
Wide-ranging suggestions for student who love to work with animals and don't necessarily want to be a veterinarian. Site also has links to other animal career websites.
Job Monkey: Cool Jobs
JobMonkey helps you find seasonal or year-round jobs working for employers who can offer you unique opportunities to travel the world, have fun, and earn good money doing it.
Mapping Your Future
This collection of valuable resources allows young people to explore their options for the future. Topics include how to apply for college and jobs, financial options for paying for college and how to apply your education to the career...
Ncra: Careers in Court Reporting & Broadcast Captioning
Are you interested in exploring a career in court reporting or broadcast captioning? This site describes job responsibilities, salary, and employment outlook.
Stem Career
STEM advocacy network of news items, event listings, and resources pertinent to STEM career development, from a university-level instructor/counselor.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Whoi: Oceanography Careers
Do you want to get started in preparing for a career in oceanography? Explore resources to start the career planning process.
University of California
Univ. Of California: Career Exploration Link
Are you interested in exploring a career? The occupational career exploration links allow you you to select a professional area and display potential job paths within that field.
University of Virginia
University of Virginia Career Services: Helpful Handouts
The University of Virginia Career Services Center offers numerous helpful handouts and career guides for the student preparing for a career. Handouts range from how to analyze your work preferences to how to write a resume. All handouts...
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin: College of Fine Arts: Fine Arts Career Services
University of Texas at Austin Fine Arts students can search for jobs, schedule career advising, or view courses. Resources for aiding in writing a cover letter or resume are available without a student ID.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Actors, Producers, and Directors
Along with information about Directors, this site evaluates the Nature of Work, Working Conditions, Employment, Training, Other Qualifications, Job Outlook, Earnings, Related Occupations, and Additional Information for Actors and Producers.
University of California
The Love Lab: So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist?
Do you want to know what being a marine biologist is really like? This career resource strives to provide a realistic look at the marine biology field. It is wittily written and offers lots of practical advice.
Be an Actuary: Career Without Boundaries
Have you considered a career as a actuary? Explore this business field that provides career planning resources for high school students, college students, and educators.
Scdnr: Careers in Marine Science
So you want to be a Marine Scientist? Learn about the Marine Science field and the career planning process.
Jobs for America's Graduates
Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) is an in-school program for at risk youth aimed at helping them in stay in school. This site explores this school-to-career program's key characteristics, outcomes, organization, and provides contact...
Learning Farm
Learning Farm: Jobs and Income
Practice what you learned about earning money and job skills. Play either in Test Mode or Game Mode to review basic money management skills.
Virginia Career View: A Book About Me 1
Use a virtual pencil to write or draw likes, talents, and skills. Then print the activity when finished.
Virginia Career View: A Book About Me 2
Use a virtual pencil to write or draw likes, talents, and skills. Then print the activity when finished.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Developing Career Goals: Knowing Yourself
Developing career goals requires two basic types of information: knowledge about yourself and information about career options which are compatible with your interests, values, and skills. This resource provides some questions to ask...