Biology Wise: Cytoplasm: The Functions of the Building Blocks of Life
Describes what cytoplasm is and its functions in regulating cellular processes.
Biology Wise: What Is the Nucleolus?
The characteristics, structure, and functions of the nucleolus are described.
Biology Wise: Functions of the Golgi Body
The characteristics and functions of the Golgi apparatus are described.
Biology Wise: Tips on How to Make a 3 D Plant Cell Model
Describes the steps in how to make a model of a plant cell using clay and simple materials found at home. Suggestions for variations are also given.
Open Stax: Anatomy & Physiology: Adaptive Immune Response: B Lymphocytes
Students will learn the structure and function of B-cells and the antibody classes and their functions.
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Graphics Gallery of Biotechnology
This site provides simple diagrams on all major topics in cell biology, genetics and biotechnology.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Episd: Organization of the Human Body
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] From basic cells to tissue to organ systems, identify and understand the structures and functions of the human body's organization.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Phospholipid Bilayers
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Tutorial describes the detailed structure and function of the plasma membrane, explains semipermeability, and summarizes the structure of a phospholipid.
National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health
Seer Training Modules: Introduction to the Lymphatic System
Self-guided learning activity where students learn about the structure and function of the human lymphatic system. There is a short quiz at the end of the lesson to check for understanding.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Membrane Proteins
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Activity explores proteins in the plasma membrane describing their structure and function. The Fluid Mosaic Model is also summarized.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ap Biology: Animals
This unit focuses on the unique structure and function of both invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Students review their understanding of animal diversity, and take a closer look at the various organ systems found in the animal kingdom.
Teach Engineering: Highlighting the Neuron
In this instructional activity on the brain's neural networks, learners investigate the structure and function of the neuron. They discover ways in which engineers apply this knowledge to the development of devices that can activate...
National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health
Seer Training Modules: Introduction to the Nervous System
Self-guided learning activity where students learn about the structure and function of the human nervous system. There is a short quiz at the end of the lesson to check for understanding.
National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health
Seer Training Modules: Introduction to the Reproductive System
Self-guided learning activity where students learn about the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems. There is a short quiz at the end of the lesson to check for understanding.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Human Egg Cells
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Describes how eggs are produced.
Common Lit: "Let's See What You're Made Of" by Bird Brain Science
This informational, scientific text explains how cells, the smallest unit of a living organism, make up every living thing in the world. As you read, take notes on the comparisons used in the text to explain how cells work. [Free account...
Biology 4 kids
Biology4 Kids: Microfilaments Stringy Proteins
A short, informational text piece which explains the structure and function of microfilaments inside a cell.
Biology Wise: Facts About Chloroplast
Explains how chloroplasts evolved into their present form, how photosynthesis takes place in them, where they are found in plants, physical characteristics, and other functions they perform.
Golgi Complex: Structure and Function
How do proteins move to the Golgi Complex? What types of secretion are controlled by the Golgi complex? How does Golgi complex regulate the insertion of plasma membrane proteins? Can proteins be transported back to the rough endoplasmic...
Pbs Teachers: Scientific American: Never Say Die: How to Make a Nose
Investigate breakthroughs in stem cell research, and explore the structure and function of a DNA molecule. Create a model of a DNA from tagboard.
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Using Bubbles to Explore Cell Membranes
An inquiry type lab activity that simulates cell membrane structure and function. This activity can be used in any Life Science or Biology classroom.
City University of New York
The World of Cells: Golgi Apparatus
A very brief explanation of the structure and function of this organelle.
Class Flow: Plant and Animal Cells
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart introduces students to the plant and animal cell.
Acadia University: Structure of Dna and Rna
This site from the Acadia University provides the basic structure of DNA and RNA and a decent compare/contrast between the two.