CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Ionic Compounds
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Ionic compounds: how they form, how the are named, and their properties and uses.
Crescent Public Schools
The Internet Science Room: Naming Chemical Formulas
Students can use this chemistry tutorial to help them understand how to name chemical formulas.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Binary Covalent Nomenclature Help
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about naming binary covalent compounds! See how scientists came up with systematic names for many common molecules and study the prefixes and roots for them.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Ionic Nomenclature
Test yourself on ionic nomenclature. Convert either names to formulas or formulas to names. After this quiz, you'll remember how to name cations and anions.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Types of Substances
Practice classifying substances using this fun, interactive exercise. Get either the formulas or names of substances, and decide which type of compound it is.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc:let's Do Some Bonding! Writing Balanced Formulas and Naming Ionic Compounds
Let's do some bonding! In this activity, students gain practice balancing ionic formulas and naming ionic compounds. They also have the opportunity to meet and 'bond with' students and staff outside the chemistry classroom.
Frostburg State University
General Chemistry Online: Simple Compounds Faq
Studying simple compounds in chemistry? Find answers to several commonly asked questions with topics ranging from compound classification to polyatomic ions.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Naming Chemical Compounds
Learn about naming chemical compounds in chemistry including conventions, the order of the elements, metals, non-metals, acids, and examples on naming on this site.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Acid and Chemical Nomenclature: Audio Book
Find basic steps for naming acids and other chemical compounds. Use the tutorials to practice naming compounds.
Class Flow: Compound Nomenclature and Formulas
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart provides an introduction to naming and writing formulas for compounds and includes assessment questions.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Oxyanions
Naming polyatomic ions made easy with the help of this site. See how to name them when oxygen is a part of the compound, and learn how some common polyatomic ions received their names.
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Acids, Bases, and Acid Base Reactions [Pdf]
Find out everything you ever wanted to know about acids, bases, and acid-base reactions! This in-depth chapter discusses how to name these compounds and how they form solutions.
Class Flow: Ionic & Covalent Compounds
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart presents rules for writing and naming ionic and covalent compounds. There is a short assessment using Activotes.
California State University
Csudh Www Project for Chemistry: Nomenclature
This site from CSUDH WWW Project For Chemistrygives an interactive online nomenclature practice problems and drills. Click on star icon to start drill.
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Periodic Table Zirconium
Great site with a wealth of data and information on zirconium.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Hydrocarbon Rings
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In this module, students will explore cyclic hydrocarbons, and explain how ring strain contributes to the shape of cyclic hydrocarbons. They will also name and write...
Alonsoformula: Formulacion Quimica Organica
Do you want to learn about organic formulation? This website will help you to name organic compounds. For each type of compounds you have a brief explanation and some examples. You will find animated clips which will try to help you find...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Polyatomic Ions
How to name ionic compounds containing common polyatomic ions.
Chem4 Kids: Acids & Bases
This Chem4Kids site provides a general overview of acids and bases, and their use in chemistry. Content focuses on "names to know" and how acids and bases work.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Acids and Bases
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In the following online tutorail students will define acids and bases in terms of the ions that are produced when each type of compound is dissolved in water. They...
Alonsoformula: Formulacion Quimica Inorganica
Do you want to learn about inorganic formulation? This website will help you to name inorganic compounds. For each type of substances you will have a brief explanation and some examples. Exercises are provided to test what you have...
Wikipedia: Ester
Wikipedia entry for the chemical compound ester. Includes naming conventions, properties, reactions, and the like.