Curated OER
TLC--Lesson Plans
Students in the grades kindergarten and 2nd grade interact with each other. They (2nd graders) faciliate one on one tutoring in the areas of reading and writing with the kindergartens. Students in the 2nd grade promote mentoring skills.
Curated OER
American Civilization
First graders research and examine various events during the American Revolution. They locate the thirteen colonies on a map, create Boston Tea Party boats, and construct Paul Revere paper lanterns.
Curated OER
Adam and Eve in Art
First graders observe closely the way a Biblical theme is portrayed in art. They identify the medium of terra cotta as based on clay. They differentiate a sculpted form from paintings.
Curated OER
Geography: Continents
First graders identify basic geographical facts about the world they live in and distinguish between land and water on a globe. They research the continents and information associated with each one focusing on building their map skills.
Curated OER
November Science
Students review that all people, plants, and animals live on Earth. They classify objects found in the environment as living or nonliving.
Curated OER
Surprise in a Suitcase
Students research an animal from Australia. They create a habitat (in the form of a diorama, poster, mobile, etc.) for their animal and write a coordinating paper. They present their animal and habitat to the rest of the class.
Curated OER
First graders complete a variety of center activities to study spider characteristics and facts. They solve math problems, identify spider body parts, and study vocabulary words to use in creative writing about spiders.
Curated OER
"Hand 'n Glove"
Students identify community helpers and learn about their jobs with this role-play game.
Curated OER
Lightning It's Shocking, It's Frightening, It's Lightning!
Third graders decide what they want to explore lightning, how to go about finding the answers, and deciding what skills they need to further study some of their questions.
Curated OER
LESSON 5: Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Young scholars explore Jackie Jooyner-Kersee and how she's a motivator for people both as an athlete and a philanthropist.
Curated OER
Environmental Education/Water Pollution
Fifth graders play a game in which they list as many environmental issues or terms in alphabetical order. They brainstorm ways they can save the environment and create a mural that displayed research found from the internet and Encarta.
Curated OER
Remembering Anne Frank
Students study the life of Anne Frank. In a class discussion, students discuss the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. They analyze the sacrifices Anne Frank and her family made in order to assist others.
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Computation and Picture Books
This sample chapter from Hurst's book Picturing Math is an excellent resource for using picture books and activities for learning computation.
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Math Out Loud
This site provides a listing of books with songs, poems, and folk tales featuring math concepts for making the connection between math and our culture.
Database of Award Winning Children's Literature
This is a phenomenal resource. It allows the user to create a reading list of quality children's literature based of choices such as reading level, type of book, genre, ethnicity, gender, etc. In addition, one can determine if a book won...
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: The Mud Flat Olympics
This site on the book "The Mud Flat Olympics" by James Stevenson, includes a review of the book, a listing of things to notice and talk about, activities related to the book, other related books, and links to other resources.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Early Math Counts: Creating I Spy Videos
This article describes how young children can create their own I Spy videos using the Draw and Tell app by Duck Duck Moose. It includes a link to a video showing a tour of Walter Wick's studio - he authored the 'I Spy' and 'Can You See...
Read Write Think: What if We Changed the Book? Problem Posing With Sixteen Cows
After reading a piece of math-related children's literature aloud, students pose and solve new problems by asking what-if questions about the events in the story.
Kids' Wings
Little Red Schoolhouse: "Honus and Me"
Here you will find a wide variety of enrichment activities, information and games to enhance the book "Honus and Me."
Scholastic Lesson Plan: A Chair for My Mother
This extensive lesson plan uses the Children's Literature book "A Chair for My Mother," by Vera B. Williams to teach the concepts of saving and reaching a goal. Primary students are the target for this lesson.
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Data Gathering and Analyzing
Carol Hurst provides this sample chapter from "Picturing Math." Gathering data is a frequent part of solving problems and satisfying curiosity, which includes working with graphs and using mathematical tools such as averaging and other...
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Patterns and Picture Books provides a sample chapter from Picturing Math, which teaches geometric concepts using picture books and activities.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Know and Learn: Falling Stars
A counting book where students count stars. Includes audio narration in 9 additional languages with text in English.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Know and Learn: Spot the Shapes
A book about the shapes around us. Includes audio narration in 17 additional languages with text in English.