Staten Island Children's Museum

Staten Island Children's Museum: Music Camp at Home

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Enjoy doing these outdoor activities with your family such as making a Guiro or kazoo, or learning how to play the flute.

Esl Kid Stuff: Song & Games Activities

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
A dozen fun song games or activities for young students learning English, with short instruction notes for teachers. Most are for well-known songs (If You're Happy, Ring Around the Rosies, etc.). Teachers are invited to submit additional...

Pbs: Maya and Miguel, Games

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Interactive and fun activity to drill vocabulary related to sports, adventure and musical instruments. Children choose the language (English or Spanish). Engaging activity for ELL learners and students of Spanish.

Hong Kong Education City: English Campus

For Students 9th - 10th
English Campus is an excellent site for Chinese speakers learning English. It includes seven channels - Watch, Read, Practice, Play, Create, Meet, and a Teachers' Corner. Learn by playing word and grammar games, watching movies and...

Pbs Kids

For Students Pre-K - 1st
This resource provides activities in art, literature, social studies, science, music and more. PBS kids primarily focuses on early elementary children, K-2.

Bbc Radio 3: World on Your Street

For Students 9th - 10th
World on Your Street, although not actively maintained since 2005, is one answer to uncovering different sounds in world music. Find interviews with musicians who brought their music to the UK from many different parts of the globe....

Wgbh: Peep and the Big Wide World: Games: Sounds Like Fun!

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Cleverly animated game that alerts young learners to the musical sounds all around them in their everyday environments. A useful exercise in helping children understand sound patterns and repetitive beats and the meaning of start and...

Canal Kids: Arte (Explore Art?for Kids?in Portuguese)

For Students Pre-K - 1st
History of the development of cinema, painting, theater, music, and dance--for kids. Visitors can explore how music is mixed, listen to radio, and watch the making of animated cartoons, among many other activities.
Ministerio de Educación (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Musica Educa (Spanish)

For Students 3rd - 5th
This site is about music in general to be viewed by children as something natural and easily accessible. It contains various interactive activities with sound files and also an application to color.

Gympanzees: Hand/eye Coordination

For Teachers Pre-K - K
This page contains hand eye coordination exercises, games, videos, and activities for children and young people with all abilities and disabilities. Also includes a great video to encourage handwashing skills.
Lesson Plan

The Mudcat Cafe: Make Your Own Drums

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Hands-on-activity for making music. Find out how to make your own drums at this website. Explore and have fun with music.

The Mudcat Cafe: Blocks, Bells, Box Drums and Mallets

For Students 3rd - 5th
Have you ever wondered how to make homemade musical instruments? Use this site to find out how to construct sandpaper blocks and mallets.

Homemade Instruments

For Students 3rd - 5th
Do you want to make an egg shaker? Come to this website and find out how. Homemade instruments can be made from different household items. Don't miss out on all of the music that can be made at home or school.

Esl Kid Stuff: Esl Songs Sheets

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Fun song sheets for six well-known children's songs like the ABC Song and Old MacDonald. Sheets include words and pictures featured in the song.
Lesson Plan
PE Central

Pe Central: Dance Lesson Ideas: Cool Line

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Use the guidelines provided at this website to introduce young students to a simple line dance. Children will learn to move to a beat while participating in a fun, low-impact aerobic activity.
Unit Plan

Pbs: Math With Jake: Transposition Using Ratios

For Students 6th - 8th
Composer and ukulele artist Jake Shimabukuro describes the concept of transposing notes in music and how ratios are applied in this video from Center for Asian American Media. Shimabukuro explains how to transpose music written in the...

Naeyc: Help Your Child Build Fine Motor Skills

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
There are lots of activities that can increase muscle strength and coordination, preparing children for more advanced skills, from writing with a pencil, using a computer mouse, or playing a musical instrument. Help your child build fine...

The Mudcat Cafe: Bongos, Banjos, Fiddles and More

For Students 3rd - 5th
Use this site to learn more about how to construct bongos, banjos, fiddles and more.