Berkley Drosophila Genome Project
This site is dedicated to the mapping of the fruit fly (drosophila) genome.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Scottish Sheep Shocker! New Pair of Genes
This article provides a discussion of DNA and how it replicates. Includes a chromosome map of a human male, a close-up of chromosomes just before cell division and a close up of a DNA molecule.
Pbs: Fact of Fiction
At this site from PBS you can challenge yourself with this quiz to see if you know what is true and what is false in genetic and reproductive technology. You'll be surprised by some of the things that we are currently able to do with...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Genome Project Information Archive
This reosurce from the Human Genome Project of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides links to all the information you ever wanted to know regarding the Human Genome Project.
US Department of Energy
Doe: Joint Genome Institute
This Department of Energy site has up-to-date information and statistics on the progress of all JGI genome sequencing projects.
National Institutes of Health
National Center for Biotechnology Information: Education
This link has many tools to help understand the revolutionary sciences and discoveries in genetics.
Australian Genome Research Facility (Home Page)
This is the homepage of the Austrialian Genome Research Facility. It is dedicated to the sequencing of DNA and understanding genetics.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Courses: Biology: Genetics
College-level course focusing on the principles of genetics. Course topics include structure and function of genes, chromosomes and genomes, biological variation, population genetics, use of genetic methods to analyze protein function,...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ornl: Genomics and Its Impact on Science
This site from the Human Genome Project for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the index page for chapters which include an introduction to genes, the mapping sequence of genes, and the impact and future of the Human Genome Project.
Human Genome Sequencing Center (Baylor College of Med)
Resource presents information about the human genome sequencing project and has links to other genome projects besides the Human Genome Project.
Oregon State University: Barleyworld
This is a site about barley that contains a list on the left with a link to a page about the North American Barley Genome Project.
Biology Wise: Crossing Over and Why Is It Important in Meiosis?
Explains what meiosis is and what happens during crossing over where genetic material is exchanged between chromosomes. This process is important for ensuring that there is lots of genetic variation in a population as it improves survival.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Abpi: Human Genome Project
An in-depth look at the human genome project and its scientific and social implications. Students work through interactive learning material, understanding the ethics involved in genetic studies. There is a suggested classroom activity...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning: Some Dna Can Jump
This article contains information on how DNA is repaired to prevent mutated damage from interrupting DNA processes.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning: Mutations Are Changes in Genetic Information
This article explains how and why mutations are so important to genetics.