Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Inscribed Angle Theorem Proof
Proving that an inscribed angle is half of a central angle that subtends the same arc.
History is Fun
Jan Brett: Geometric Shapes Flashcards Pdf
Print out these colorfully illustrated PDF file pages to practice learning your basic two dimensional geometric shapes. Fold them in half and one side shows the shape while the other side shows the shape with the correct name. Put them...
Ad Reading Discussion Guide: The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer
In A.D. 793, eleven-year-old Jack leaves his family farm to become an apprentice to the Bard, a druid from Ireland, who is assigned to his Saxon village. At first, he is unsure of his duties, and is puzzled when the Bard experiences a...
Pbs: The Lowdown: Exploring Changing Obesity Rates Through Ratios and Graphs
In these KQED Lowdown infographics, explore how adult obesity rates in the United States, as measured by body mass index (BMI), have dramatically changed in the past half-century. A circular graph and a pictograph depict data by decade,...
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Hyperbolic Functions
This site from MathWorld explains the hyperbolic function. The information is not too in-depth, but factual and quite a few links are provided for additional information on related subjects.
Math Open Reference
Math Open Reference: Semicircle
A handy reference guide to semicircles. It provides definitions and examples that enhance further explanation. Includes links to related topics.