Crisis at Fort Sumter
Detailed background information is provided to assist users in solving the dilemmas facing President Lincoln in the events surrounding the fall of Fort Sumter.
Read Works
Read Works: u.s. Presidents Abraham Lincoln
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
These lesson plans help learners evaluate Abraham Lincoln's actions during his presidency. Related links assist students in this evaluation.
Wnet: Thirteen: A War to End Slavery: John Wilkes Booth and Assassination of Lincoln
A lesson plan from the producers of the 16-episode PBS series "Freedom: A History of US" that examines the factors that led John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Lincoln. Also involves comparing and contrasting Lincoln's and Andrew...
US Mint
U.s. Mint: One Cent Program: Lincoln Al Fresco [Pdf]
Learners explore the meanings of the symbols on the back of the 2010 Lincoln penny.
Book a Day Almanac: Lincoln: A Photobiography
Discover the story behind the children's book classic, Lincoln: A Photobiography, while also delving into the background of the author, Russell Freedman.
US Mint
U.s. Mint: One Cent Program: Lincoln 2.0 [Pdf]
In this four-part lesson, students identify and analyze the challenges that Abe Lincoln faced during his Presidency, including keeping the Union intact.
US Department of the Treasury
U.s. Department of the Treasury: History: William P. Fessenden (1864 1865)
The Office of the Curator of the Department of the Treasury provides a brief account of the life of William P. Fessenden, including his role as President Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury from 1864 to 1865.
Ducksters: Civil War for Kids: President Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
Kids learn about the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth; major event in the American Civil War.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Chattanooga
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chattanooga, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on November 23-25, 1863.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Chickamauga
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chickamauga, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on September 19-20, 1863.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Chancellorsville
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chancellorsville, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on May 1-4, 1863.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Shiloh
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chancellorsville, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on April 6-7, 1862.
This Nation
This nation.com: "Emancipation Proclamation" Abraham Lincoln
This Nation site provides the full text of President Abraham Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation" which freed slaves.
White House Historical Association
White House Historical Association: The Great Cause of Union
Information with lesson plan for grades 9-12 about Abraham Lincoln's presidency focuses on the decisions and political actions he had to make throughout the Civil War.
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Comission
Explore Pa History: Pennsylvania Democrats
A good look at the views of the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania just prior to and during the Civil War. Read about Democratic president from Pennsylvania, James Buchanan, and his views about the importance of slavery in the national...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: Biographies
A fantastic resource where you can find biographies of historical figures. You can search by the person's name or by topics, such as Presidents, United States Leaders, Scientists, Inventors, Humanitarians, Explorers and Pioneers,...
Siteseen: American Historama: Abraham Lincoln
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Abraham Lincoln and summaries of important events during his presidency.
University of Groningen
American History: Presidents: Gettysburg Address
This site provides the text of the Gettysburg Address.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Guide to Black History: Abraham Lincoln
This entry from Encyclopedia Brittanica's Guide to Black History features Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States (1861-65), who preserved the Union during the American Civil War and brought about the emancipation of the...
Siteseen: American Historama: Abraham Lincoln Assassination
Provides detailed facts and information on John Wilkes Booth and other conspirators that were involved in the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865.
Son of the South
Son of the South: The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
Pages from Harper's Weekly edition on April 29, 1865, published just after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Common Lit: "A Nation Divided: North vs. South" by Us history.org
The American Civil War was fought within the United States from 1861 to 1865. The election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860 increased tension between the North and South. Lincoln's political party was interested in stopping the...
US Department of the Treasury
U.s. Department of the Treasury: History: Salmon P. Chase (1861 1864)
The Office of the Curator of the Department of the Treasury provides a brief account of the life of Salmon P. Chase, including his role as President Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury from 1861 to 1864.