Curated OER
Syllables: Clap a Word
In this syllable worksheet, learners choose a word [not given] and write it, clap it and count the number of syllables. Worksheet is a 2 column graphic organizer, word in one column, number of syllables circled in another.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Spring Is Here: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 9)
Spring is the theme of this unit of extra support lessons. Your early readers enhance their skills using chants, practice worksheets, picture cards, and alphabet cards. Topics include identifying syllables, beginning sounds /w/, /g/,...
Literacy Connects
Activities to Build Phonological Awareness
Begin your reading program each day with a mini lesson on phonological awareness using these engaging activities listed in the resource. Young ones will enjoy word families, clapping and counting syllables, identifying single sounds...
Curated OER
Identifying Syllables Within Spoken Words
First graders participate in a conversation about what they want to become when they grow up, and identify syllables within the spoken words.
Curated OER
Syllables: Clap for Each Part
In this syllable worksheet, students clap for syllables in words, then writing the number of syllables. One example is done for students.
Curated OER
Divide and Conquer: Breaking Down Skills For Slowlearners
Pupils are introduced to skills to help them become better readers. With a partner, they use magazines to identify consonant pairs and participate in a game naming words that ends with consonants. As a class, they practice clapping out...
Curated OER
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Second graders complete the first column of a KWL chart with information that they know about caterpillars. They listen to a read aloud of Eric Carle's, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, while focusing on what caterpillars eat. They clap out...
Curated OER
Billy Brown and the Belly Button Beastie
Learners explore the book Billy Brown and the Belly Button Beastie. In this verb, onomatopoeia, and syllable lesson, students pantomime verbs, read onomatopoeia from the story and clap out syllables. Learners unscramble sentences from...
Curated OER
"I am a pirate with a wooden leg": Stomping Iambic Pentameter
What is blank verse? Iambic pentameter? Meter? Use the attached document to review these ideas with your middle schoolers. This plan has learners get up and stomp to iambic pentameter, which is a fun change from just clapping the...
Curated OER
Transferring Rhythmic Patterns From Music to Movement
Students identify and demonstrate movement elements in relation to musical notation. They clap to rhythms, beat on drums, match musical notes to speech patterns and use the rhythms of the their names to create a dance.
Curated OER
Pies and Rhythms
Second graders, using popsicle sticks. illustrate rhythms clapped by someone else. They use different types of pies to recognize and notate rhythms in standard notation.
Curated OER
Play with Words: Rhymes & Verse
Students listen to poems and rhymes, clap out syllables, and sing along with familiar tunes. They use puppets and crafts to help recall and retell favorite poems, and craft their own poems.
Curated OER
Edward Lear, Limericks, and Nonsense: There Once Was?
Students explore limericks. In this poetry writing instructional activity, students listen to and read a variety of poems written by Edward Lear. Students count syllables and identify meter by clapping as they read aloud. Students...
Curated OER
Word Identification Lesson
Third graders listen to a list of Fall words and then repeat them aloud as a class. They discover how to count syllables either by holding their hand under their chin or clapping and practice together as a class and then split into small...
Curated OER
How Do I Measure Up? (Intermediate)
Fifth graders compare the relationship between meter in music and measurement in math. They practice sightreading music by determining the number of beats per measure, clapping and counting the rhythm.
Curated OER
"All About Me"
Students perform creative movement to music, sing and improvise using the Solfege syllables do, me, so, and la, and recognize beat vs. no beat in this instructional activity for the Kindergarten General Music class. Emphasis is on a...
Reed Novel Studies
The Hobbit: Novel Study
All it takes is a little adventure to interrupt a quiet, simple life. A study guide for The Hobbit explores the adventures that disrupt Bilbo Baggins' quiet life. Questions discuss key events found within J.R.R....
Curated OER
Lilting Limericks
Learners discover the formula for writing limericks and use it to write their own poems.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Segmenting, Phoneme Closed Sort
Build phonological awareness with an activity that challenges learners to sort picture cards based on the number of phonemes each has.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Family Time: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 5)
Provide extra support with a unit that follows a teach, blend, guided practice, and practice/apply routine to reinforce reading, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills. Reading and writing lessons include supporting details,...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Animal Habitats: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 4)
The activities and exercises in this packet, the third in the series of support materials for the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt thematic units on animal habitats, are designed for learners who need extra support with the basic...
Curated OER
Elementary schoolers view and study ten pictures of the location of a ball adjacent to a box. They decide where the ball is and match it to its appropriate preposition on the right. A good language arts lesson!
Kelly's Kindergarten
July Daily Activities
Concerned about your learners forgetting what they've learned during summer vacation? Use a learning guide to keep them busy every day of the week. With activities about writing, drawing, counting, adding, and time, your kids will be...
Curated OER
Learning to Interview
An authentic and engaging way to practice literacy skills, this lesson calls for young language arts pupils to conduct interviews with classmates and family members. First, pupils watch as the teacher models the interview process with a...