Classical (Period) Music
A nice website discussing music of the classical period. It provides detail into the style of classical music, lists some of the composers associated with classical music.
Classical Composer Biographies
Contains brief biographical information about several well known classical composers including Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn.
Classics for Kids: Edvard Grieg
A short biography of Edvard Grieg (1843-1907 CE). Click to the past radio shows to hear his music and learn more about this famous composer.
Steven Kreis, PhD
The History Guide: The Romantic Era
This personal site from The History Guide is great background information on the romantic period, though little of it deals directly with music.
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Classical Composer Profile: Claude Debussy
Considered an impressionistic composer of the romantic period, Claude Debussy is discussed in this profile. Learn more about his life and music at this site.
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Classical Composer Biography: Frederic Chopin
Read more about Frederic Chopin at this website. It provides a nice brief profile of his life and music.
Quick and Easy: Cesar Franck
Quick, simple and short; this biography covers all the territory. Extremely basic.