Curated OER
Let's Be Honest!
Students investigate the concepts of honesty and take a survey about honesty. They use the New York Times to conduct research to identify the characteristics commonly found in stories about cheating. Students write reflective papers...
Curated OER
I Am Seventeen Going On ?
Students explore the differences between going through adolescence in New York City in 1980 and today by reading and discussing the article, "When He Was Seventeen." They write a script for a podcast about the teen/parent relationship...
Curated OER
Party Like It's 1992 or '84 or '76 or '68!
Students explore, analyze and study how political party platforms have changed over time. They create a party platform time line by researching Republican and Democratic Party stances on various issues during the last few decades.
Curated OER
Teaching Telephone English for Business ESP English Classes
Students practice the practical skill of telephone communication. They perform a series of role plays to give them practical experience in the proper way to speak and respond while on the telephone.
Curated OER
The Candid Camera
Students examine the influence of photographer Jerome Liebling on documentary films. They read and discuss an article, take photographs, and create an original photo essay and artist statement.
Curated OER
When the News is the News
Learners share opinions about the factors that influence their newspaper-reading decisions. They study the News Corporation's purchase of Dow Jones & Company by reading and discussing the article "Dow Jones Deal Gives Murdoch a...
Curated OER
A Guide (on the Side) to Physics
Students engage in a lesson that is concerned with the concepts related to the study of Physics. They participate in class discussion and list common misconceptions of Physics. Students write and discuss the problem of Science illiteracy.
Curated OER
Reading Clues
Critically Evaluating Alarming News learners use a guided reading strategy to explore news articles about the Washington-area sniper attacks, and conduct a roundtable discussion to investigate public reaction to the case. October 17, 200
Curated OER
Putting on a Show
Pupils list and research "cutting edge" technology, then develop a Consumer Electronics Trade Show by designing posters, and developing speeches to promote products.
Curated OER
Financial Security
Students take an economic angle on social security, working in small groups to create a reader's guide to the program and the current debate.
Curated OER
Inquiring Minds
Students participate in a "fishbowl" discussion to address the notions of government and intelligence accountability for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. They write letters to the President of the United...
Curated OER
The Meaning of Dreams
Students reflect on the meaning of dreams and how scientists study dreams. They read and discuss the article "Winding Through Big Dreams Are the Threads of Our Lives." They write personal summaries and analysis of memorable, vivid dreams.
Curated OER
Art Smart
Students engage in a lesson that is concerned with the expression of art that is popular in modern times. They read articles from the New York Times and write reflectively about the featured art exhibits. Students use the newspaper to...
Curated OER
It's All Greek to Us
Learners examine the various ways in which ancient Greek culture has influenced modern-day life. They study the context in which modern-day Greeks consider the 2004 Summer Olympics by reading and discussing the article "Where It All...
Curated OER
Arts Directors
Young scholars reflect on a personally meaningful live performance and the circumstances necessary to create art. They study about the current leadership crisis facing the Met, Carnegie Hall, and the Public theater. In groups, students...
Curated OER
Students investigate what James Zemaitis does for a living based on his picture and discuss the history and function of Sotheby's auction house. Students then study the changing face of modern art auctions by reading and discussing the...
Curated OER
United We Stand
Learners study Muslim wedding celebrations. They explore Muslim culture and wedding celebrations around the world. Students discuss vows, symbols, and traditions. They create wedding costumes and reenact part of a wedding ceremony.
Curated OER
Stunning Recommendations
Students read and discuss the article, "Demands Rise for Tighter Oversight on Use of Stun Guns." They write letters to their state government representative with suggestions on how to regulate and study the safety of stun guns.
Curated OER
Disturbing the Peace?
Students consider the impact of the 2007 Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Annapolis on George W. Bush¿¿¿s presidential legacy. They study the 2000 Camp David and the 2007 Annapolis peace talks by reading and discussing the...
Curated OER
Hook, Lead Line, and Thinker
Young scholars explore, examine and study the format of an opinion essay by viewing one author and activist that is helping women find their voices by reading and discussing the article, "Stop the Presses, Boys! Women Claim Space on...
Curated OER
Personal Ads
Students study advertisements from the 'H.I.V Stops with Me' Web site and develop similar theme-based advertisements geared specifically toward an H.I.V.-positive teenage audience.
Curated OER
Virtual Connections
Young scholars use prior knowledge to develop a survey on their peers' habits and preferences regarding video games and online gaming. They examine the social aspect of online gaming by discussing "Where Warriors and Ogres Lock Arms...
Curated OER
Pop Turned Art
Students study the art of Andy Warhol and consider the line between art and life. They create their own artistic renditions of popular culture themes and images in order to explore their influence on our lives.
Curated OER
A New "Spin" on Nuclear Energy
Students explain how the spin cycle of a washing machine operates. They explore other applications of the centrifuge by reading and discussing the article "Slender and Elegant, It Fuels the Bomb."