Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What's Different About Applying to College as a Homeschooler?
This resource gives the reader and example of the process of applying to college as a homeschooler.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Transfer Timeline for Community College Students
Follow these steps to prepare for transfer, beginning in your first semester of college.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Master Timeline: College Admissions
This college admissions timeline lists activities to complete as you navigate the college admissions process.
Pbs Learning Media: The Common Application for Undergraduate College Admission
SCU uses StoryCorps' tested interviewing techniques-combined with outstanding radio broadcasts and animated shorts-to support high school students in the development of identity and in drawing connections between their unique strengths...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: College Track
Learn about College Track, a national education nonprofit that empowers students from underserved communities to reach their dreams of a college degree.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Going to College
Sixth graders start to familiarize themselves with applying and attending college. This will serve as a frame for the work they will do throughout the unit.
Number 2: Test Preparation
[Free Registration/Login Required] This ACT, SAT, and GRE prep site from Number 2 offers tutorials, practice sessions, a vocabulary builder and college planning information. The site was planned by university professors experienced in...
College Net
CollegeNET provides a number of services for the college-bound student. These include the ability to search for colleges based on user-defined criteria, a scholarship/financial aid search, and an online application search.
US Department of Education
U.s. Department of Education: Why Attend College?
This site lists reasons why students should pursue post-secondary educations. It explains the differences between types of colleges (e.g., community colleges and technical colleges) and describes jobs that require four-year and two-year...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: College Entrance Exams
The College Entrance Exam lesson is an introduction on how to prepare for college entrance exams. Students will determine which exam they should take in accordance with college requirements for entrance. Students will acquire attitudes,...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: College Planning for High School Freshmen
This lesson is designed to prepare high school freshmen for goal-setting and financial planning opportunities for college. Students will create a college planning portfolio. This lesson contains a financial aid component.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Financing Your College Education
Financing your college education can feel like a daunting task surrounded in anxiety. However, there is no reason to worry; there are plenty of people available to help you through the process. The important consideration to start is...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Which College Do I Choose?
Students use estimated EFC's (Expected Family Contribution) to compare out-of-pocket costs for 3 colleges. This lesson includes a financial aid component.
Us News: Money: Reasons Community College Makes Sense Right Now
As the cost of a college education continues to rapidly rise, many more young people are considering the advantages of beginning their higher education experiece at a community college. Read about the most common reasons here.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: College Application Checklist
This resource is an article that includes a comprehensive list of what could be required in an application, along with who will often be required to make the submission.
Ad Getting Ready for College: What Ell Students Need to Know
For ELLs, the challenges of going to college and finding the right opportunities can be overwhelming, but ELL teachers can play an important role helping students apply to college and preparing for the application process as well. This...
Mapping Your Future
This collection of valuable resources allows young people to explore their options for the future. Topics include how to apply for college and jobs, financial options for paying for college and how to apply your education to the career...
College Grad
College Grad: Phone Interviewing Success
This is a very extensive site that deals with the different types of phone interviews. It gives a good amount of advice on different aspects of the phone interviewing process. Click on the Blue Topic at the bottom of the page for more...
American Youth Policy Forum: Thinking About Tests and Testing [Pdf]
A comprehensive primer in assessment literacy that seeks to raise awareness of key aspects about tests and testing issues. Explains essential statistical terms associated with testing (mean, modes, medians, distribution, dispersion,...
The College Board
College Board: Math Sample Questions
The College Board provides sample mathematics questions and guidelines to help you prepare for SAT testing.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: College Bound: Moving Out!
Lesson plan for students exploring aspects of preparation for college, including writing an application essay, applying for financial aid, understanding a lease, and evaluating credit cards. Website research is combined with various...
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College: Qualitative Analysis of Anions
"In this experiment, you will observe the reactions of some simple salts, analyze common household chemicals, and identify an unknown sample by testing its reactivity."
Ad Academic Rigor: At the Heart of College Access and Success
Low-income and minority students, students with disabilities, and those who are the first in their families to go to college, are often unprepared for and discouraged from taking rigorous academic courses in high school. It is therefore...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Using Official Sat Practice in the Classroom
By offering free practice exercises, full tests, articles, and videos to everyone, everywhere, Khan Academy hopes to level the playing field so that every student has an equal opportunity for college readiness! Learn more about how...