Cometography.com: C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake). Content includes discovery, observational, and orbit information, as well as several images.
Cometography.com: 29 P/schwassmann Wachmann 1
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1. Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Cometography.com: C/1956 R1 (Arend Roland)
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet C/1956 R1 (Arend-Roland). Content includes discovery information, orbit, images, and historical highlights.
Cometography.com: 109 P/swift Tuttle
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Cometography.com: C/1969 Y1 (Bennett)
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet C/1969 Y1 (Bennett). Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Cometography.com: C/1975 V1 (West)
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet C/1975 V1 (West). Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Giotto Mission
This site from the National Space Science Data Center provides information on the Giotto mission which was designed to study Comet P/Halley. The spacecraft encountered Halley on March 13, 1986 and approached to within 600 km. This page...
Cometography.com: C/2001 A2 (Linear)
This site provides a wealth of information regarding the C/2002 A2 (Linear) comet, including historical and discovery information.
Cometography.com: C/1998 J1 (Soho)
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO). Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Cometography.com: C/2000 Wmi (Linear)
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet C/2000 WMI (Linear). Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Knowledge Computing: Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilizations
Discusses a different approach to the fall of the civilizations during the Bronze Age. The author believes that there was a comet that affected the earth and wiped out those early cultures.
Nasa: Hubble Observations Shed Light on Jupiter Impact
Scientists continue to learn from their observations long after the largest collision in history was recorded. Was Comet SL-9 actually an asteroid? What were the dark impact clouds made of? What were the effects on Jupiter's magnetic field?
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 Kids: Solar System Details: Oort Cloud
Explore the huge spherical region surrounding our solar system. Find out what the Oort Cloud contains and how comets originate there.
Wikipedia: Jupiter
Wikipedia, a publicly-maintained encyclopedia, provides information on the planet Jupiter, including physical characteristics, exploration, moons, comet impact, and more.
Cometography.com: 24 P/schaumasse
This site provides a detailed overview of the comet 24P/Schaumasse. Content includes discovery information, images, and historical highlights.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Edmund Halley
Read a short biography about Edmund Halley, and find out why the comet bears his name.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Gene Shoemaker
Learn about the first astrogeologist and discoverer of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Bill Haley
Read up on 1950s rock and roller, Bill Haley, who with His Comets recorded the legendary song, 'Rock Around the Clock'. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1987.
Bbc News: Animated Guide: The Rosetta Mission
This brief animated guide to the Rosetta mission allows you to see how it is going to get to the comet, and then what it will do once it arrives there.
Seds Usa: Charles Messier
Charles Messier (1730-1817 CE) is credited for discovering 13 comets. He also began the Catalog of Nebulae and Star Clusters. This catalog as well as a great deal of information on Messier is available here. The Messier objects are also...
Stephen F. Austin State University: Jupiter Events
An excellent site for amateur astronomers, with or without a telescope. Includes some links to information about Jupiter and its satellites and the collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Ulysses Space Probe Makes Surprise Trip Into Comet's Tail
An interesting article about a surprising finding on Ulysses' second orbit.
Bill Haley and His Comets
Learn much information about Bill Haley, who had the first rock and roll record to make the pop charts.
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 kids.com: Solar System Details
This comprehensive site delves into other aspects of our solar system besides the planets and the sun. Click on the topics on the right like solar winds, the heliosphere, the heliopause, asteroids, comets, and more.
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